Bililoka Species in Bililoka | World Anvil
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Basic Information


A mix of a human-like anatomy, and that of a cat standing on two legs. Digitigrade legs and a tail; flexible spine.

Biological Traits

Each Bililoka takes after their ancestors, each of which were a different species of Wild or Domestic Cat. This affects not only their looks, but their personalities as well.
Both male and female Bililoka are at the same social standing in their society, though choice of job does vary. Male Bililoka lean towards the more physical jobs, while Females lean towards the mental and home-based 'familial' jobs.

Genetics and Reproduction

Standard Mammal Reproduction; litters of 1 to 8, usually an average in-between.

Ecology and Habitats

Fairly adept at surviving in most non-extreme biomes, but excel in forests and other wooded regions.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Magically evolved from cats; carrying over their Carnivorous and Predatory diet.

Biological Cycle

Their coats get fluffier in the winter, and shed to a thinner coat in the spring.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The entire Bililoka population is located at Scratchpost; their island village located off the eastern coast of Tir. No Bililoka has left Scratchpost since their species inception.

Average Intelligence

Though cat-like in their mental grasp on situations and approach to things, they're about as intelligent as your average human, though lacking in a fair bit of knowledge. This can be subverted by teaching them, however, and some of them take to reading and scholarly acts better than others of their species.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Slitted Eyes that can widen to allow them to see easily in the dark. Sandpaper tongue, and capabilities for magic that vary per-Bililoka.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Bililoka names tie back to their domestic ancestors, and how they were named. Bililoka can be found to share names with the common housecats of today, like 'Spots', 'Chips', 'Max', 'Oliver', 'Snuckums', 'Smokey', and so on; both 'Regular' and 'Funny' names, though to a Bililoka, no name is silly, and is said with complete sincerity.

Beauty Ideals

Two different beauty expectations settle on the Bililoka. For the Bililoka who stays in Scratchpost, well kept fur, a sense of self-care, a stable career and a fair amount of knowledge for their practice is usually looked upon well.
For the Bililoka who travel to the neighbouring island to hunt, Confidence, Scars, Stories, and being Physically fit are major markers.

Gender Ideals

Gender only matters to a Bililoka when it comes down to family; as the Females are the ones capable of birthing and feeding, they're usually chosen as the primary caregivers.

Courtship Ideals

Cleaning your partner and other positive interactions that one would normally do for them self, but for others, can be viewed as positive courtship.
Offering them a gift of either a kill or part of a kill for a Hunter Bililoka, or a relevant gift or trinket for a Town Bililoka.

Relationship Ideals

Bililoka mate for life, and only re-mate if the relationship goes sour, or a Bililoka becomes a widow. They usually intend to have at least one litter, at most two, but not usually any more than that.

Average Technological Level

Early medieval era, though they lack a few of the notable technologies like printing or agriculture, utilizing mostly basic versions of each of the available crafts.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

They're fluent in common, though they tend to make various cat sounds and actions, communicating to each other in both a mixture of speech and body language. It can be strange for a non-Bililoka to interact with one, as their speech is peppered with various mews, meows and chitters.

Common Etiquette Rules

They act like cats. Though there are a few rules in place, like no treating any buildings like a scratchpost, it can be a bit chaotic as each Bililoka caves to their internal, carnal cat desires of chaos.

Common Dress Code

As an evolved species, they have similar clothing demands as humans.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

A tribal-style society where they look towards the elderly for decisions and wisdom, deciding on things as a group. They're a fairly fledgling race, however, and their culture is quite basic, mind for the cat influences.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Bililoka will scratch trees, posts, and various scratchable objects; each type of scratch tells a different message, and is used as markers. Some of them, for example;
Long straight claws down = safe
Plus shaped clawing = bring a friend
Frantic, scribbly scratching = awful, avoid entirely


A powerful Witch took to the islands, influencing them with her magics for a sole purpose; she intended to create a miniature society out of her pet cats. A literal Pet Project.
Over the next few hundred years, the magic seeped into both the island, and the cats. The Cats, once sapient enough to talk, began calling themselves Bililoka and developed their own society and village. The other island, only really refereed to as 'The Jungle' spawned the beasts and creatures that they would survive off of and hunt, the magic creating them fast enough to sustain the villages growth--their lack of agriculture or ability to eat anything other than meat made them reliant on this second island.

Historical Figures

The Witch - The one responsible for their magically enhanced evolution, and the owner of the original ancestors.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

While inter-species is possible and not really looked down upon, mostly being viewed as a foreign concept since no others sapient species existed on their isle, Bililoka can only have children with those from the Feline Mammal family.
80 years
Average Height
2'0" - 3'0"
Average Weight
20lbs - 40lbs

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