Tsomowbe is a semi-nomadic pastoral culture that spreads throughout the mountains and valleys located northeast of the Big Basin. Their subsistence is based on Momzuma herds from which they extract wool, milk for dairy products and meat. They speak an Ogdimish dialect, not having any substantial differences from the settled people on the northern basin.
In the hot season, they seek the high mountain valleys and plateaus to keep their naked Momzuma herds chill, and get the lush vegetation to recover their coats and accumulating fat for the winter. During the wet times, they come to the flood valleys where the Momzuma can eat and rest on the puddles and rain marshes. The frost is spent in camps on the river plains where they build longhouses with mud and straw where people and animals can have some tranquil romantic encounter during the long freezing nights. When the defrost makes its appearance they move up again through the mud trying to reach the higher ground before it is too hot, so they can shave the Momzuma to get them lighter and fresher for the long way up.
Society is divided into big Herdgroups which are formed by several clans. Each clan has its own specialized job on the group, some have crafts associated with shaving, carding and weaving different types of Momzuma wool they work on. There are clans also in charge of looking for places to camp, new pastures, new raw materials sources. The produced fabric, raw wool, and hopes are piled up and sold to riverine traders who met the clans at the start of Defrost season, just before departing to flee from the valley flooding.
When the Herdgroups become too large for their valleys and camps, usually the Prospectors clan calls an assembly to debate about it. And a votation is done where small familiar units can decide to split from their former group and start a brand new Herdgroup.
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