Phys-rep guidelines and Tags in Berkana | World Anvil

Phys-rep guidelines and Tags

Phys-reps also referred to as Reps are used heavily in Berkana to as a conduite for immersive roleplay and for identifying certain mechanical skills. For example an Apothecary kit is required for Apothecary skills to be used, this is so characters have a role play prop for doing their Long RP skills with. While a Totem or Consecration symbol mechanically indicates the potential presence of a magical effect.   Reps are often used to facilitate role play and/or communicate something that would be recognizable but not entirely unique items in the world. For this reason a Phys-rep does not require a tag to be used in the game. Armor, Focus, or a lantern are examples of phys-reps that require no tag.   Tags are used for something that satisfies one or all of the following. It is unique, has a specific mechanic, or is consumable within the game. Crafting resources are identified as tags because they are consumable and have a specific mechanic. Upgraded weapons or armor are tags as they are unique. And basic weapon tags for describing the weapon skills that can be used with the weapon.  

Phys-REP Guidelines

In order to have a high quality of immersion Berkana will only allow LARP safe latex/ foam weapons. Boffers made with foam and tape will not be accepted. All weapons will be checked for quality and safety prior to receiving a weapon type tag.  
Armor can use real materials such as leather or metal, or it can be made of other materials crafted and designed in such a way as to appear reasonably authentic.  
Apothecary Kit
An Apothecary kit should be a small travel sized box or satchel that carries bandages, tonics and other medical supplies used for role playing the RP required for Apothecary skills. Most Apothecary skill require the use of the kit and so it is advised resource cards and surgery cards can be carried within it, but in not necessary. This kit cannot not contain sharp objects and should avoid fragile objects as Apothecary RP can happen during combat.  
Surgery deck
Pending, for the first game the surgery deck will be supplied.  
Blacksmithing workbench/ Kit
To have more involved RP you may set up a work bench to do your RP requirements for Blacksmithing. A work bench is not to be set up in combat likely areas and thus can have more authentic reps, such as hammers, small anvil or other props to create the sound and feeling of blacksmithing. When making a kit it should not include sharp or dangerous objects and can consist of a single tool, such as a rubber hammer.  
Weapon/ Armor Quality band
These are colored bands or cloth that are attached to a piece of armor, weapon, or shield to show that it has added mechanical benefits. They are Green, Red, or Black and can have a blacksmiths personal symbol on it if desired.  
Alchemy WorkBench/ Kit
To have more involved RP you may set up a work bench to do your RP requirements for Alchemy. A work bench is not to be set up in combat likely area, The main tavern can facilitate work benches. A work bench can have more authentic reps, such as glass jars and vials filled with liquids for mixing. When making a kit it should not include sharp, dangerous, or fragile objects such as glass and can consist of a single tool, such as a small mortar and pestle.  
A Focus that can fit inside your hand while still being fully visible can be anything. A focus larger than your hand must not pose a hazard to you or your fellow players. Foci are subject to approval by our marshal team. It is highly recommended that before you begin construction of your prop you run the design by our team be posting in the discord. A Focus should be light enough to comfortably lift above your shoulder or head when casting. If you upgrade to a weapon focus then it must use a safe for combat use.  
Hex Bags
These small bags must be visible and attachable to the costuming of a character. They do not need to be overly large around the size of your palm. They cannot contain sharp or fragile objects as they could be hit during combat. We suggest decorating the outside of the hex bag in Principle or School themed imagery, painted or glued on. The inside of the bag can be any filler as long as it does not pose a danger to the wearer if struck.  
A totem is another worn Phys-rep. They may be attached to a belt or worn around the neck, anywhere that is visible and secure without posing a risk entangling the wearer. Totems may be simple wooden, acrylic, or cloth item that has some magical looking writing or runes.  
The requirement for a well is to mark of an area no larger than 5x5 for the use of specific spells. Since wells can be used in combat they should not contain fragile props, sharp objects, open flame, or substances that may damage or stain the ground. Wells are left vague for creativity and the supplies for one should be easy to transport. Some suggestions could be a magical symbol pre drawn on fabric, a ring of fake candles, a silver rope laid in a circle, or even marking points with safe objects of power.  
Concecration symbols
A consecration symbol is a symbol of a god that is worn around the neck. It must be large enough to be visible and should not be made of materials that could hurt the wearer. Metal and sharp edges should be avoided. Symbols of the gods are left vague to promote lore and creativity. We will offer examples on each gods page, if you wish to designs your own and have questions the development team will be available to work with you.  
Devotion bag
A bag that hold marbles for devotion. There should be 20 of one color and 10 of another, the most common mix is 20 white and 10 black. Since the mechanics are explained with white and black color changes should always be explained to participating players encase skills interact with them. The bag itself can be of any style or size as long as it adequately conceals the marbles when picking.

Untagged REPS

These reps can be freely brought into game and used by a player for their character.
Apothacary Kit
Used with Apothacary RP skills
Used to rep deflections
Used in combat for blocking weapons and packets
Mundane non mechanical items
Such as rope, lanturns, costuming, chest, ect. Any item that does not have an inherit mechanical effect


Weapon type
Used to mark what combat skills can be used with the weapon. These tags are freely given to all weapon reps in game and do not need to be purchased by the character.
Resource cards
Found or purchased in game, they are used for crafting skills and have no attached Phys-rep
Merchant cards
Tags thats have specific mechanical effects that can only be purchased from merchants on market day or found in the world
Potion tag
A potion tag lists the benaficial effects and side effects of a potion. It has a base tag with the benaficial effects attached to it.
Alchemy card
Used for crafted fixed alchemy. They have mechanical benafits explained on the card.
Weapon Quality
A tag that marks a crafted weapon/shield that has mechanical effects/benafits. To use the mechanical effects a weapon should have a band of a color that matches the tags description attached to it. Only 1 Weapon Quality tag can be used on 1 weapon/shield.
Armor Quality
A tag that marks a crafted armor that has mechanical effects/ benafits. To use the mechanical effects armor should have a band of a color that matches the tags description attached to it. Only 1 Armor Quality tag can be used on repped armor.
Arcane secret
A tag that can be used to gain new spells for Arcanists.

Articles under Phys-rep guidelines and Tags