Arcanist in Berkana | World Anvil


Arcanists utilize one of three Principles of arcane magic to create and control magical effects. Though technically anyone can learn magic the road to casting consistently and manipulating the forces to your intent is both difficult and dangerous. Those who take the time to learn focus their efforts into mastering a specific principle and are able to learn and cast spells within it.


The three Principles of Arcana


Elementalism utilizes and manipulates elemental forces of Fire, Earth and water to create effects. They are strong Conjurers and suited for fast short lived spells that mimic or manipulate natural phenomena. Elementalists can throw fire and lightning and sustain themselves with limited healing and protection.

Elementalist spell List
Spell | Jul 28, 2023


Necromancy is the manipulation of physical life and death. They utilize the same components that create a living being to form their spells and magical effects. Necromancy is a dangerous art that brings forth undead and curses that drain the life of all living things. However beyond that fear Necromancers are without competition in the art of healing and mending.

Necromancy Spell List
Spell | Sep 7, 2023


Zodiacs can and will abuse the ethereal laws of the world to create an effect that is somewhat close to what they were going for. Some of these batshit insane spell wielders actively go and fuck with the god of deaths domain.

Zodiac Spell List
Spell | Sep 7, 2023

What is a spell and how is it cast

First an individual must be trained as an Arcanist and choose a principle, that will dictate the spells they are able to learn and cast. Each spell is comprised of 5 parts, Shape, Source, School, Chant and Incantation. Each of these parts describes how the spell works and relates to the words that must be used in order to cast the spell and use it's effects. Each shape, Source, and School have their own word of power, while the incantation is unique to the spells itself.


The shape of a spell dictates the mechanical way the spell interacts with the game world. this is how the effect of the spell is delivered and used.
Conjuration, word of power: Thal-Ra
Creates a short lived physical manifestation of the spell that then directed towards a target. Conjurations spell effect use a packet to deliver the effect to their target. The effect can be blocked by shields and negated with deflections. You cannot throw packets from a hand already holding another object such as a weapon.
Evocation, word of power: Mez-Ra
Creates a field or line of magic that can effect an individual or everyone within an area including the caster. Evocation spells use the "By my voice" and "By my gaze" rules.
Enchantment, Word of power: Val-Ka
These are complex spells that are woven into an object or willing individual. Enchantment spells are delivered with a short RP and cannot be done on an unwilling target. Enchantment spells require a free hand to direct the magic and short RP.
Totem, Word of power: Omen-Ka
A totem is a physical object that is made by the caster to carry a lasting effect. Totem spell effects must be repped by a physical object that is held or worn by the target of the effect. Some spells use totems that can be placed in locations for a desired effect. The Totem must be held in the hand of the caster to create or re-cast the magic.  


A source is the physical rep an Arcanist must use or have on them to be able to cast the spell. It represents where the character is drawing the magical energy from or how they are focusing it. Arcanists will need to purchase skills in order to utilize additional sources for casting.
Self, word of power: Ego
Magic that is drawn directly from the caster or surrounding area. There is no physical rep required for these spells and require no additional skill purchases other than Novice Arcanist.
Focus, word of power: Foci
A physical focus such as a wand, staff, scroll or other handheld Item must be held above the shoulder in order to cast a Focus spell. Employ focus skill is required to use a Focus for casting a spell. When this skill is purchased you must pick a school within your arcane principle. You will then be able to cast all Focus spells you know that match that school when wielding the rep, but not Focus spells of a different school. Each principle has three schools. Because of their precise and fragile nature a focus is not used as a martial weapon and cannot block or attack.
Hex Bag, word of power: Hexus
A Hex is a small physical pouch or bag that is worn by the character to show they have prepared special components for the spell. Employ Hex Bag skill must be purchased to cast Hex Bag spells. The Character will have a total number of Hex Bags they can wear at once. A Hex Bag holds a single Hex Bag spell so that it can be used by the caster. This process takes a long RP and is called attunement. Because a Hex Bag can only hold one spell, if an Arcanist knows multiple Hex Bag spells they must choose which spell will be held and have access to cast it. Arcanists who find this limiting can take the Hex Hoarder skill to increase their total limit to 3!
Well, word of power: Atrius
A Well represents an opening for magic to flow through or be called from. A Well must be physically repped by placing a clear outline of a zone on the ground. Some examples could be drawn with white sand, laid out with silver rope, or an arcane symbol on a cloth to be placed on the ground. The Well can be no larger than 5X5 and the character must be fully within the Well to utilize it's benefits. Most Wells will have an incantation that sets up the well. This must be done after the rep is placed but before the other effects can be used. Wells require a skill to use and only one well can be sustained at a time.

Arcane Schools

Shape and Source are shared by all spells across each principle of magic. A school however is unique to an arcane principle and further divides each spell into three categories that the Arcanist utilizes. Schools are used for flavor of theming spells and is essential for Focus spells.

Putting it all together, Chant and Incantations

Each Shape, Source and School has a word of power. These words are essential in casting magic as they make up the chant that must be spoken prior to Incantations. Think of the chant as the key that will unlock the door to arcane power and the incantation is what is taken out of that door before it closes. Arcanists will also require Skills purchases to use Focus, Hex Bag, and Well spells. Below is an example spell from Elementalism.
example spell
Shape: Conjuration (Thal-Ra)
Source: Self (Ego)
School: Fire (Infera)
Chant: Thal-Ra, Ego, Inferna
Incantation: I conjure forth an arrow of flame, 3 Fire
  Looking at this spell a casters full call would be "Thal-Ra, Ego, Inferna, I conjure forth an arrow of flame, 3 fire." This full call is required to cast the spell. It also highlights how the spell works. It is conjuration so the spell uses a packet, and can be blocked by shields or deflections. It's source is self meaning no reps/ skills are needed to cast the spell. And finally, fire (Inferna) means it pulls from the fire school of elementalism. Arcanists who learn Chants will have an idea of what others are casting.
  NOTE: Some spells have multiple incantations. Incantations are used for a specific effect and thus a Chant does not need to be re-spoken for each incantation.

Learning new spells

You will start of with some spells upon gaining certain skills but you will quickly want to learn more. In order to learn a spell you must be able to cast it. There are three levels of spell and skills that unlock the ability to cast those spells. Along with Focus, Hex bag and Well skills. As you play there will be opportunities to collect arcane secrets from a variety of sources. You must at least have Novice Arcanist skill to collect an arcane secret.
  When you collect an arcane secret it will have one of the words of power on it from Shape, Source, or School. When you collect one from each category you can trade them into log for a spell you can cast that shares the same words of power. These secrets can be traded with other Arcanist and multiple arcanists can often pull an arcane secret from the same source.



Word of Power: Thal-Ra
Uses a packet. Can be blocked by deflections and shields. A weapon cannot block the packets effect and will cary through to the wielder of the weapon. Packets must be thrown from a hand not holding another object.


Word of Power: Mez-Ra
Uses “by my gaze” of “by my voice” calls


Word of Power: Val-Ka
A short RP required to affect an object or willing target with the spells effect. A free hand must be used for the RP of the spell.


Word of Power: Omen-Ka
A physically repped object that is created by magic that can carry a magic effect to a location or indavidual. Unless otherwise stated in the spell description only one totem may be maintained per spell. If a totem spell is also a hex bag spell, then you may have 1 totem active per hex bag prepared with the same spell. A Caster must hold the Totem to create or re-cast a spell into it.



Word of Power: Ego
magic that is drawn from the arcanist themselves or their immediate surroundings. They need nothing more than the caster to be effective.


Word of Power: Foci
A Focus such as a wand, staff, scroll or other handheld Item must be held above the shoulder in order to cast a Focus spell. Focus spells allow a specific school of the principle to be used. Because of their specific construction a focus is not a martial item and cannot be used to attack or block.

Hex Bag

Word of Power: Hexus
A small physical bag filled and adorned with components related to the Principle of magic and worn on the caster. Hex Bags store a spell to be castable by utilizing a long RP to attune the spell to the bag. A hex bag can only store one spell at a time.


Word of Power: Atrius
A physical zone is repped on the ground no larger than 5x5 that an arcanist must be inside to use (unless otherwise stated). Only 1 well can be maintained at any time by a single arcanist.