Underdark Elf Species in Beris | World Anvil
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Underdark Elf

Golden Skin, Golden Hair, perfect of form, the elves move through the dark like ghosts of perfect specters. The Underdark Elf is different to their ancestors, gone is the high elf coloration, and increased is their aggressiveness. The Gods of Beris are no longer contacting the people, yet the UE seem to feel they have a god given right to rule.

Basic Information


They contain the standard internal organs of all Elves, however, their skin and Hair have taken a golden hue, and their proportions show a perfect lateral symmetry.

Genetics and Reproduction

Physically they can reproduce with High Elf, Wood Elf, and Humans to produce viable offspring. they can, but they won't.

Growth Rate & Stages

considered a child until they reach one hundred and twenty one years of age, they are physically mature at one hundred and sixteen. They age at a constant rate for the first one hundred and fifty years of life, then they no longer show signs of aging until they reach Old age, when they age at the rate of a goblin, dieing within a few years of the return to aging.

Ecology and Habitats

They occur underground on the world of Beris, they have modified their environment to allow them to live good lives.

Dietary Needs and Habits

they live on Mushrooms, Lichen and lizard meat, interspersed with fish and other livestock.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The women are able to trace their maternal lines back to the royal families of the High Elves. There is a democracy of sorts, every century a Woman is elected to be the Mother of the Elves, and she is voted on by only the women, each woman's vote is valued according to their station and the station of their family. Mothers are obeyed as if they are without fault. this translates to the individual clans as well. Sons are traded through marriage and adoption, though they can be no closer than second cousins. A Husband who cannot produce a female heir is considered a poor choice and will find himself working to increase the number of soldiers with females of other races.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

They are the eminent wizards of the Underworld and so they produce the most magical items.

Facial characteristics

Eyes are of any shade of color, but they have a metallic sheen. Almond shaped and slanted at about 45 degrees. Ears are long and very pointed. Cheek bones parallel the eyes.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Throughout the caverns beneath the world of Beris. They are found mostly in the area known as Akahdia

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

they can see in total darkness out to 120 feet, they have a twenty percent boost to hearing.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

they have developed a symbiotic relationship with cave lizards (giant ones) and both benefit. There is a Flea and Louse variety that infests the Dark Elves.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

they use High Elf naming traditions.

Major Organizations

Dain Shee. The Golden Horde. Wild Hunters.

Beauty Ideals

symmetry is the most beautiful thing, transparency in objects is also desired.

Gender Ideals

Males serve the Females as Guardians and Warriors, rare men can become sorcerers and priests, there are more male Bards than female ones.

Courtship Ideals

The females discuss each male, if one is found to be desirable then a bidding war will begin, after twelve days the best bid is accepted for the male, his family then sells him to his new family, who will then find him an appropriate mate.

Relationship Ideals

the man knows his place, he protects the family physically and she will aid him as necessary.

Average Technological Level

Pre Renaissance, High Magic.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Sylvan, Underdark

Common Etiquette Rules

Males will have empty hands around a female unless she needs protecting, males bow deeply to women. Females will wave at males, and speak to them if they wish to hear anything from the man, if they don't the man will write any message he needs to convey and slide it to them/give it to a servant to convey.

Common Dress Code

Males always dress with an exaggerated codpiece, women reveal cleavage, neck to navel. both sexes wear breeches and tunics with collared capes, assassins and priests wear hoods.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Equals are always sincere with each other, promises must always be kept, lying is the slaves way. Women rule society, men rule themselves and each other. Symmetry and Harmony are the greatest forms of beauty.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

When meeting someone of the same race the hands should be shown to be empty. When meeting a different race show them respect by showing them your weapon, but keep it on you and never let them touch it.

Common Taboos

Weakening the race by mixing bloods. All mixed blood creatures are to be given to the Army.


The Gods of Beris had always interacted with the peoples of Beris as shadows interact with matter, so when they came to the priests of their religions and told them to move the people underground it was a shock. The High Elves had always had a closer relationship with the gods, and so they had been developing magic to help the surface dwellers survive underground. Once underground each race was given the rite that allowed the race to adapt, and change their livestock as well. After a few centuries the oppression of the rock caused the former allies to war on each other. The twisting of the Humans caused madness amongst them, and the Little Races concentrated on hiding themselves from the larger races. in the Millennia underground the mentality of the Elves changed, and now the Underdark Elves call themselves, Dain Shee.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Former Men are to be ruled, enslaved. The Little People should be absorbed, not enslaved, they are too weak, give them work to do, something useful for the people. The Dwarves are to be treated with respect, until they can be overcome, learn more about them.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Elfin Elfin Subteranea
where the adaption magics turned the humans to a twisted creature, it perfected the UE
1000 years
Conservation Status
Proliferating below the surface, they are the dominant race and culture in the Dark.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Skin and Hair is golden colored. They keep themselves fit, and they are naturally laterally symmetrical.

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