Spider Wolves: Wolfants Species in Beris | World Anvil
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Spider Wolves: Wolfants

Written by Martin Ludwell, edited by Smidgen
The creatures broke from the forest, six legged with pedipalps, a segmented chitinous covering over their entire body. The fight was brutal and short, the experienced adventurers defeated them quickly but damage was dealt to the People. "I hate giant Spiders,", said Aemilia "Not spiders, they moved wrong and have too few eyes and limbs," said Dench even as he began to dissect one. "they have bones inside, and muscle, they only look like spiders," he held up some of the muscle, sniffed it and licked it, which made the two elf women pull a face. "Tastes like Dog or Wolf," was his comment.

Basic Information


an eight legged wolf with a thin exoskeleton instead of fur, the front two legs are adapted to be arms, to hold a prey item down while the creature attacks with a strong bite.

Genetics and Reproduction

as a wolf

Ecology and Habitats

They are wide ranging, across plains, deserts and forests, they dislike swamp areas, but there are swamp varieties as well.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Carnivores with some ability to eat berries and grain.

Additional Information

Social Structure

an Alpha female runs the pack and does the mating, all females assist in pup rearing. An Alpha male is her partner, but he can be chased off if he is not a good hunter. Males often fight, to establish dominance, but if they attack a female the females will gang up on the male, often with fatal results.


possibly they could be domesticated, but not right now.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Their meat is unpalatable, like most carnivores, but their chitin may prove useful.

Facial characteristics

imagine a two eyed spider with a long muzzle

Geographic Origin and Distribution

almost universal

Average Intelligence

Dog like

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

As a wolf

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Fleas and ticks get into the joints
Scientific Name
Lupus Arachnidae
Though related to wolves the Spider Wolf is unique to this world, having both endo and exo skeleton.
7 years
Conservation Status
Wide spread hunter, it is not yet threatened
Average Height
4 foot at the shoulder, 6 in length
Average Weight
110 pounds
Average Length
six feet
Average Physique
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
their chitin tends to the color of the surroundings, greens and browns in the forest, yellow and red in the desert.

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