Hin/Halfling Ethnicity in Beris | World Anvil
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Article Created by Martin Ludwell, edited by Smidgen
"Such a childlike creature, it will cause no problems, and then we can feast on it and its' brethren," the Orc said talking to his companions. that was when the Hin spun round and loosed an arrow, the arrow struck the Orc full in the eye. The look of surprise froze on the Orc's face as he died, and that was when the Halfling Guardian patrol leapt onto the other goblinoids. "Child like, huh? you're Dead like, now!" the Hin said to the corpse.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

see D&D 5th Edition for more details add Breton names

Masculine names

see D&D 5th Edition for more details add Breton names

Unisex names

see D&D 5th Edition for more details add Breton names

Family names

see D&D 5th Edition for more details add Breton names

Other names

see D&D 5th Edition for more details add Breton names


Major language groups and dialects

they speak Halfling at home, those who encounter other races frequently know Millessian and racial languages.

Culture and cultural heritage

Living in Shires near human settlements, but not really interacting with the humans, they have only recently begun to integrate into human society. they are the quintessential country bumpkin, until they're not. they can be sneaky and are highly accurate at ranged weapons.

Shared customary codes and values

there are five to seven meals in a day, more if courting or celebrating.

Common Etiquette rules

offer food and rest to guests. never speak badly of anyone whose house you enter. gossip with those you trust only! learn to trust everyone.

Common Dress code

britches and shirts under tunics, supple boots.

Art & Architecture

they tend to live in houses hollowed out of hills, or cover their houses in fertile soil to assist in insulation,. their art is of historical scenes, they also like pastoral scenes, and family portaits.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

The offering of food is the most common custom, and all observe the custom of Ellevensies when they can.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Birth is done at home whenever possible, and the baby stays in the home for one year. after that the child will be slowly introduced to the world.

Coming of Age Rites

At 22 there is a big party and the child becomes an Adult.

Funerary and Memorial customs

the body lies in state for a week, then it is taken to the graveyard and interred. Prayers are said over the body everyday, invoking all eight gods, on the final day Kaos is given its' due, as the body is placed below ground.

Common Taboos

Eating the flesh of a Name Giving race.

Common Myths and Legends

full of stories of the Small Man getting advantage by out thinking his adversary. There are legends of the Hearth Guard, a female who outfights enemies who threaten her family or home.


Beauty Ideals

A round face, light hair colors, light eye colors, but most importantly a willing smile.

Gender Ideals

Women tend house and serve drinks, men tend the field and husband the animals. both sexes cook, both sexes fight, Men are more likely to Join the Army or Guards, but only by a small minority.

Courtship Ideals

Cooking and Eating together, walking in the fields, barracking for the same teams, being excellent to each other.

Relationship Ideals

a true partnership in decisions, and work. staying close to each other.

Major organizations

Millessian Empire, they feed the Empire and are protected by it.

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