The Twelve Focuses of the Magic Circle in Beast Empire | World Anvil
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The Twelve Focuses of the Magic Circle

The Circle of Magic divides its specialties into twelve different focuses, each one tied to a different Zodiac sign.

Each specialty has a hand gesture associated with it, and is combined with the gesture of the secondary focus to create a unique gesture that communicates a student's specialties without words.
The primary focus is in the right hand, while the secondary is in the left, with both hands being pressed together with the combined gestures in front of the chest. When addressing a Grandmaster or other superior, it is common courtesy to bow during the gesture.

Aries - Martial Arts: Striking

Grandmaster: Zhiaohu Li

Gesture: Closed Fist

These magic users aren't the scrawny wizards from those Old World books, it takes a great deal of physical conditioning to cast magic. This being said, it is only natural for the Circle to develop it's own hand to hand fighting systems, enhanced through the use of magic and further improves physical fitness.

Striking is a very hybridized focus, integrating the fundamental forms of magic into its techniques. Strikers use Telekinesis to increase the force behind their strikes, and create deceptive motions that seem to defy gravity and make reading their moves impossible. Some may use Pyromancy to obscure their attacks with smoke and blind their foes with the flames. More intricate styles may use more complex techniques involving Illusion or weapon arts.

Inspired by his worldly travels, Li works hard to instill in his students the values and traditions behind the various martial arts they practice.

Taurus - Magic Arts: Warding

Grandmaster: Brunhille Valrin

Gesture: Open palm, held perpendicular to the wrist pointed upwards.

The art of redirecting blows and damage away from the caster, Warding incorporates Telekinesis and other forms of magic to forcefully redirect forces away, either ablatively or with redirection.

Warding is a physically demanding focus to learn, as the user needs to not only be physically fit, but also have the willpower to push through normally lethal blows with confidence.

Brunhille runs a very physically grueling course, but those who can endure the early months of training become her most prized students, willing to teach them and push them to the limits of their ability. She is very protective of her students, despite her brash exterior.

Gemini - Magic Arts: Illusion

Grandmaster: Ailu Hood

Gesture: Index and Middle finger raised, with thumb extending outwards. Pinky and Ring fingers are closed.

Illusion is the art of microvibration, subtly vibrating targeted parts of the brain to manipulate the senses. Students of this focus will both experience being affected by Illusion, and casting Illusions, in order to fully understand the nuance of the form.

Unfortunately some Illusionists are psychologically broken by the experiences, but being subjected to the techniques is deemed necessary for combating said effects on one's own mind.

Grandmaster Ailu is one of the few known Mindflayers in the world, capable of shredding the mind with violent vibration.

Cancer - Weapon Arts: The Sword

Grandmaster: Julian Tyras/Argent

Gesture: Closed hand with Index finger and Middle finger pointed upwards.


Leo - Magic Arts: Cryomancy


Gesture: Hand held back towards viewer, thumb raised, Ring and Pinky fingers extended. Flip hand for left hand.


Virgo - Weapon Arts: The Staff


Gesture: Closed hand with Index finger pointed upwards.


Libra - Martial Arts: Grappling


Gesture: Grasping other hand (clasped together if double-focus)


Scorpio - Magic Arts: Pyromancy

Grandmaster: Hjarstein Lifson

Gesture: Hand held back towards viewer, thumb raised, Index and Middle fingers extended. Flip hand for left hand.

Fire is the most primal element, and also the most difficult to control. Pyromancers learn to harness heat, create it, and control it.

They also learn how to absorb heat, both as a survival technique, and in case things get out of hand.

Hjarstein only speaks Germanic, so his students will need to learn the language if they wish to learn from him. Those that do will learn his tragic tale, and learn how to channel their emotions into a powerful flame.

Sagittarius - Magic Arts: Electromancy


Gesture: Closed fist with Index finger and Pinky extended, pointed towards and overlapping the other hand.


Capricorn - Magic Arts: Telekinesis


Gesture: Hand closed over other hand, but not in contact with it.


Aquarius - Martial Arts: Manipulation


Gesture: Closed fist with Index finger poking the center of the other hand.


Pisces - Magic Arts: Healing


Gesture: Hand held flat to the viewer, gently draped over top of the other hand.

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