The birth of the Elves Myth in Bavelion | World Anvil
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The birth of the Elves

Before Time, the elves were bodiless spirits who were one with Their father Corellon. Free thinking yet thoughtless, they were lost in constant euphoria. They existed out of time and the universe itself, living as a spiritual force out of body. Then would come the Corruptor. Corellon had a dream that his waking watch over his people would come to an end. He feared that this reality could come to pass so he made himself an advisor, Baba Yaga. She spoke into his ear and corrupted his mind. On the First day She told the Green father that his Children were under threat, they needed to think for themselves.   So he granted his people's thoughts and Feelings. A Flurry of thoughts came forth from their formless being, but none could speak, only think   On the Second day she told the green father his people would need voice to warn each other of the coming danger. So he granted his people the gift of speech, and a discordant menagerie of voices erupted toward the father and to one another speaking of the fear and danger that they may face.   On the Third day She told the Green Father that the danger would manifest as a physical threat and his people must be able to defend themselves. So he granted his people a land to walk, the fey wild, a heaven made real and flesh of their own to possess. His people walked the Verdant grassland waiting for their threat.   On the Fourth day she told the Green father his people would need the wilds to hide in and beasts to hunt to train for the incoming doom. And so the Green Father filled the lands with beasts of all kinds, predator and prey.   On the Fifth day She told the Green father his people would need weapons to defend themselves from the threat. So he gifted his people weapons of Steel and Magic so the would be able to combat the coming storm.   And on the Sixth day She Told the Green Father that his children would need souls to bind them to life on the material plane. So he bound his people to their physical forms with souls, which filled them with emotion and joy.   But on the Seventh day, the fear began to consume the Green father, a horrific plight was coming for his children and he felt helpless still to watch it. Baba yaga told him the only way to allow the elves to be safe, was to give onto her the power to change them herself. And so as a final defence for his children, Corellon relinquished control over his children to the hag queen. With her new power, she would spawn an army of minions who would twist and turn the Elves, forcing onto them changes to “protect them”. She took the eladrin first and bent them to her will, rending their good nature from their bodies and making them loyal servants of baba yaga. She took other elves and infused their bodies with pure magic, took another and blended it with the night and granting them flight, twisting some of their skin with the bark of the feywild.It is unknown for how long the elves suffered under this reign, before a group of the first born elves known as the Seladrine rose up to defeat their overlord. Two sisters led the Seladrine, Sehanine and Lolth, alongside the army of elves they had congregated.   The Seladrine fought and died against the tides of Baba Yaga, before Corellon realised the horror of his present. This was the prophecy of pain that was fortold, and Corellon was led straight into it. With all of his anger for the plight against his people, he tore open a gateway to material plane, granting his children a new home free from persecution by the wrath of baba yaga. And with that same move he crippled baba yaga for what she had done, leaving her hideously deformed and wounded along with all her other hag kin. The Seladrine led by lolth and Sehanine escaped the the Material plane and found a blackened and terrible waste of demons and death. At first life was tough for the elves, forever fearing death as it would mean a return to baba yagas clutches. So one of the youngest among the elves, but still a powerful mage stepped forward and offered her solution. To speak her name is forbidden but she is now known as the Raven Queen. She promised the elves souls safe passage back to the spirit realm of which Corellon originated, and in their they would have a safe afterlife. After a long ritual of ascension, a demonic force known as Pazuzu sent forth armies to the material plane to interrupt this ritual, and with that the ritual was shattered created the kenku and killing the elven queen. However she was born again from the sheer amount of magical ability she had upon death, and from that was born the Raven queen. With her new found power, she would craft the first soul wells, and become the elven god of death. With this power she would bestow upon Lolth the domain of fate, and Upon sehanine she would grant the domain of life. And so would become the Elven Tribunal and protect all of Elven kind. The tribunal granted power to many of the warriors most essential in the Flight of the Feywild, and those would become the Saints of the Seladrine. Not quite gods, but powerful idols of worship for the elves not unlike lesser gods, e.g Deep Sashalas, Naralis, etc

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