Bastille Bastille Timeline
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From the beginning of the Ascension Wars to the introduction of the heroes that will save or doom Bastille, this timeline is the foundation for the current conflict within Bastille.

  • 1492 E.

    The Ascension War
    Military action

    The Ascension Wars began in DR1492 after the Dark Lord Grimm's army landed in the southern reaches of the Sword Coast.

    More reading
    The Ascension Wars
  • 1492 E.

    14 /3 08:00
    1492 E.

    16 /3 02:00

    The Great Ingress
    Population Migration / Travel

    The name given to the Forty Hour long battle between Luphilia and those loyal to her and The Order.

    More reading
    The Great Ingress
  • 1492 E.

    17 /3
    1492 E.

    17 /3 18:00

    The Awakening of the Great Light
    Geological / environmental event

    Luphilia Othoram summons the Great Light to fill the darkness created by the portal to Bastille collapsing.

    Light Watch
    More reading
    The Great Light
  • 1492 E.

    18 /3
    1492 E.

    19 /3

    The Foundation of the Radiant Seat

    In a state of turmoil, Luphilia Othoram establishes the Radiant Seat in order to bring stability to Bastille. She claims Halo as the seat of Light Watch, the makeshift capital of Bastille.

    More reading
    The Radiant Seat
  • 1492 E.

    19 /3 100:00
    1492 E.

    19 /3 20:00

    The First Endowment
    Cultural event

    In an attempt to prevent spies or assassins from infiltrating Bastille, Luphilia uses the Mark of Truth to perform the first Endowment. The Endowment lasted an entire day as every man woman and child was given their Mark.

    Light Watch
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  • 1492 E.

    20 /3

    Appointment of the Radiant Fist

    The position of the Radiant Fist was established in order to act as the head of the Illuminated. Luphilia chose her close friend and adviser Thirteen to take up the mantle and maintain order within Bastille.

    Light Watch
    More reading
    The Radiant Fist
  • 1492 E.

    20 /3
    1492 E.

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    The Great Enlightenment
    Religious event

    Originally summoned by Luphilia, the Great Light becomes a culturally significant icon within Bastille and with it comes the Enlightenment. At this time three social classes emerge: The Enlightened, the Illuminated, and the Affirmed.

    More reading
    The Great Enlightenment
  • 1492 E.

    20 /3

    Construction of Lightwatch Begins
    Construction beginning/end

    Lightwatch was created to be the capital of Bastille. Even in this, Luphilia put the people first and built a place for the many orphan children to live before constructing the rest of Lightwatch. This resonated with the citizens of Bastille and reassured them that following Luphilia through the portal was the correct choice earning their undying loyalty.

    More reading
    Light Watch
  • 1492 E.

    21 /3

    Establishment of the Core Edicts
    Political event

    In order to ensure the future of Bastille, the Core Edicts were penned. These stringent rules restricted liberties and called for sacrifice all in the name of a secure future.

    Light Watch
    More reading
    Core Edicts
  • 1492 E.

    1 /4

    Civil action

    After the chaos of the Great Ingress had worn away and a government had been established, the hard work of maintaining Bastille began. Under the guidance of the Illuminated, the peoples of Bastille made their way out to the various land masses circling the Great Light.

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  • 1492 E.

    2 /4

    Industrial Revolution

    In order to survive, Bastille needed to establish infrastructure quickly before their reserve provisions depleted. This lead to the lighting quick erection of industry and the formation of Districts.

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  • 1492 E.

    14 /4

    The Edict of Silence
    Political event

    The first Edict implemented after the establishment of the Divine Mandate. This Edict required that the Ascension War, The Great Ingress, the Voidlings, and many other details of the formation of Bastille not be taught to the children housed within the unfinished walls of Lightwatch. The history was deemed too traumatic for the developing minds of the children.

    Light Watch
  • Ano Abundance
    The Years of Plenty
    Cultural event

    The Years of Plenty mark a time of relative peace within Bastille. Under the guidance of Luphilia and her adviser Thirteen, Bastille grew into a successful nation hidden away from the world and the wars that still raged on the Material Plane. It was a time to forget the past and look to the future.

  • 1492 E.

    4 /5
    1493 E.

    4 /8

    Istishia's Dance
    Scientific achievement

    After nearly a year of isolation, Illuminated spell casters within Bastille were able to conjure enough water to create a functioning water cycle within Bastille. They lovingly named it Istishia's Dance after the Goddess of water in direct violation of the Edict of Silence. The persons responsible for the naming were arrested by Thirteen and imprisoned within the ever growing walls of Lightwatch.

    Light Watch
    More reading
    Istishia's Dance
  • 1492 E.

    20 /11

    Edicts of Tranquility
    Political event

    As Bastille began to settle, a resurgence of interest in the Material Plane arose as citizens became homesick. Pressure was placed upon the Radiant Seat to invest resources into finding a way back to the Material Plane. Luphilia issued the Edicts of Tranquility which further suppressed the rights of the people to gather or to demand anything of their government. Arrests of political dissidents followed shortly after.

    Light Watch
    More reading
    Edicts of Tranquility
  • 1493 E.

    11 /8

    The Dawning
    Political event

    The Dawning was a movement spearheaded by Thirteen in which hundreds of political dissidents disappeared from the public eye. These disappearances were explained away by the The Radiant Seat and legitimized by the The Radiant Fist. In secret, the more observant persons within Bastille believe that the Radiant Seat is trying to silence opposition to its rule through tyranical means.

    Light Watch
  • 1493 E.

    18 /9

    Formation of The Brothers In Shadow

    As the The Radiant Seat become more powerful, it became ever more apparent to the citizens of Bastille that it was quickly becoming corrupt. The restriction of civil liberties, human rights, and the silencing of political adversaries facilitated the creation of the The Brothers In Shadow.

  • 1493 E.

    5 /10

    Disaster / Destruction

    The Miasmata begins to seep in from the Howling Abyss as the power that supports Bastille is slowly strangled by the Order Wizards in the Material Plane. Shadowy creatures begin to appear in the outer districts causing panic. Suddenly citizens who were growing hostile towards the The Radiant Seat found themselves dependent upon its protection.

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  • 1493 E.

    27 /12

    Geological / environmental event

    The Great Light at the center of Bastille begins to falter and the heat it provides becomes less sufficient. Snow falls for the first time within the Shattergleam Forest. The Radiant Seat denies any change in the Great Light and persecutes anyone who continues to question the climate change under jurisdiction of the Edict of Silence.

    More reading
    Edict of Silence
  • 1510 E.

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    Fostering Voidlings

    When the Voidlings finally matured into adults, they required new homes outside of Light Watch. Luphilia Othoram decreed that despite being refugees, it was time for the Voidlings to take their place among the citizens of Bastille.

    Light Watch
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  • 1510 E.

    2 /1

    Rise of the Heroes
    Life, Birth

    The start date of the Campaign when the heroes that will determine the fate of Bastille are chose.