Sinclair Clan Ethnicity in Barriban | World Anvil
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Sinclair Clan

The Sinclair clan is a very ancient people who trace their history almost 100,000 years. They take their name from their founding member and patron god Sinclair. Originating in the Great East they slowly migrated west through the North Isles and coming to settle on the north-east coast of the Land of Sun and Snow around 3500 years ago.

They have changed greatly through the ages, at times being borderline obsessed with conquest, at others being almost isolationist in their dealings with others. What has never changed is a warrior spirit and a desire to carry themselves with a sense of honour.   Despite a focus on a warrior lifestyle the Sinclair mindset is one that promotes thinking things through as opposed to just acting. Many of the times the clan has been forced to move is because someone acted rashly and started some conflict, leading to a clan exodus.   The Sinclair clan worship the pantheon of Asgard, of which Sinclair is believed to be a high ranking member, but they mostly live by the legends about her than any other of the gods. They mostly live a practical lifestyle and leave matters of spirituality for the afterlife.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

There are few naming conventions for girls among the Sinclair clan. Parents will usually name their children however they want. The names of flowers are quite uncommon but girls are often named after other things in nature, such as River, Nightingale, or Moon. There is an unwritten rule that no child will be given the first name Sinclair after the goddess.

Masculine names

There are few naming conventions for boys among the Sinclair clan. Parents will usually try to choose a noble sounding name for their son.

Family names

All member of the Sinclair clan have the surname Sinclair. Smaller family groups are identified by the first names of their ancestors. If an individual achieves great fame and becomes a clan hero then their descendants may include it in their own name.
An example: Hamish Sinclair, son of Recripson, in the line of Tomland Halfsight. Sons will take the names of their father, daughters will take the name of their mother. This may be changed around if the other parent becomes more well know.

Other names

Someone may be given another title if they have some unique personal trait. Tomland Halfsight was a master Axeman but was horrendously shortsighted, leading to the title.

A title may also be acquired by performing some great deed. Roland Greatskull was called as such after he broke the siege of Glen Scoor castle (298 B.T.K.) by smashing the fortress wall with his head.


Major language groups and dialects

The Sinclair language is a very strange language containing aspects of almost a dozen other languages. They have a history of migration coming all the way from the Great East and have assimilated parts of dialects from every step of the journey. Although the Sinclair language is the mother tongue of all Sinclairs most also speak the common tongue of the world in the Age of the Lesser Ragnarök (20 B.T.K. - 2332 A.T.K.)

Culture and cultural heritage

The Sinclair clan originated in the highly unstable Great East and were surrounded by enemies. As a small clan the only way to survive the constant warfare was to become better at fighting than anyone else. As a result they became a warrior people very quickly, gaining fame and fear from all around. They mellowed somewhat as they grew stronger but at their core they always remain warriors.

Over the millennia several individuals of surpassing combat skill have arisen and left behind their knowledge of their arts in what are called the Five Sacred Techniques. They are; The Ancient Sword Text, The Spear Tome, the rather sarcastically named Idiot’s Guide to Legendary Archery, The Mountain Dividing Axe Art and the Bear Wrestling Art. Each member of the clan will learn one of these techniques as the basis of their own combat form. The Sword Text and the Axe Art were developed and written by men with the male physique as the basis. As such women will not be able to practice the arts to their pinnacle. The same is true in reverse for the Spear Tome and the Guide to Archery. The Wrestling Art was developed over many generations with several warriors both male and female adding to it. As such it can be practiced by either gender. Here is a short summary of each technique:

The Ancient Sword Text
Written by Bai the Wave, the form is based mostly around defence and countering.

The Mountain Dividing Axe Art
Written by Jörgan the Thunderous, the art is designed to overwhelm and crush.

The Spear Tome
Written by Willow the Untamed, the form is focused on ending fights quickly with easy kills and avoiding contact with the enemy. It also includes a fairly advanced movement technique.

The Idiot’s Guide to Legendary Archery
Written by Robin the Watcher, the art teaches stealth and assassination as part of its core themes.

The Bear Wrestling Art
Compiled by many authors, the art is made for use against only one or two opponents at a time and focuses on heavy strikes to incapacitate an enemy. It is an unarmed form.

Shared customary codes and values

What constitutes as honourable differ slightly from person to person but the general consensus is that coming to the aid of those in need is the foundation of goodness.

Deliberate disrespect to others is a challenge to them and anything they may represent, so unless conflict is desired Sinclairs will strive to be polite and respectful to all who they meet. Unfortunately their blunt attitude and tactless mindset often causes accidental offence to people of other cultures.

Above all other aspects of their lifestyle the Sinclairs hold loyalty in the greatest regard. A friendship formed in a day is a bond for a lifetime. To trust in each other is a value held so highly that it is almost considered a divine command and to deliberately betray or otherwise break the trust of a friend is an act so despicable that banishment from the clan is a light punishment.

Also worthy of high praise in the clan is glory attained through combat. This is largely a product of the Sinclairs being worshipers of Asgard and the War Goddess Sinclair.

Average technological level

As the Sinclairs rose after Barriban’s fossil fuel reserves were used up advancement beyond the medieval level is impossible until the reserves build up again.

Common Etiquette rules

When sitting down to a meal it is tradition to all take the first sip of any drink served together before any food is eaten and unless invited otherwise a guest should not sit beside the host or their spouse. When meeting up with an acquaintance a simple greeting and a handshake is all that is required. When meeting with a close friend or family greetings are more affectionate, with enormous hugs and much laughter.

Common Dress code

Lower Classes 
The lower classes of the clan have little in the way of national dress being as they are mostly farmers and trade workers. Most of their clothes are bland but practical and warm. Although women will usually wear skirts it is not unusual to see women in trousers if she is doing harder work. They all have at least two pairs of shoes, one for work and one for occasions like weddings, as treading muddy footprints through a Holy Ground is considered in bad taste.

Upper Classes
It is naturally a different story for the upper classes. Their clothes are often dyed in bold colours such as red and dark blue and woven into intricate patterns. These patterns will often be in the shape of a personal or family emblem or crest. The wearing of tartan similar to their clan neighbours is becoming more common place but the dress styles are still very similar to the dress styles of the North Isles, with heavy cloaks and capes being a favourite, held on with ornate and detailed broaches. For some reason the Sinclairs have taken strongly against the wearing of torcs that is commonplace among the clans of the Land of Sun and Snow, and anyone wearing one is seen as a bit thuggish, even if they are quite mild mannered. The Sinclar Chieftain will wear a grand and dignified red silk outer gown for important events. Most nobles possess many pairs of shoes.

Art & Architecture

Conventional artists such as painters and sculptors will find few fans among the clan, but martial artists and practitioners of foreign combat forms will often find themselves surrounded by warriors young and old seeking new and advanced ways in which they can better themselves. Tournaments and contests are regular occurrences in the clan with displays of combat arts being a highlight of any event. Also popular are bards and traveling story tellers. Tales of ancient heroes set to music are easy to find and a skilled musician will find welcome in any Sinclair home.

The buildings of the Sinclair’s are in truth nothing notable. Most are just simple timber and store, ranging from small single room dwellings of the poor to large mansions of the wealthy. Only dedicated fortresses or clan leader’s keeps are made of brick. As these places were built before the clan started expanding after the last Sinclair-Ross war (24-22 B.T.K.) they are focused mainly as places of defence were the local clans people can shelter should invasion come.

Coming of Age Rites

Males in the Sinclair clan go through four stages in life; boyhood, youth, manhood and his elder days. Boyhood ends when he choose what weapon he will use as a warrior, usually around the age of thirteen or fourteen. His youth ends when he stops shaving and grows a beard as an outward display of having grow up and accepting the responsibilities of adulthood. His elder days begin when he lays down his weapons and retires from warfare. He will then become a guide and instructor to the younger generation.

The rites of women are less formal. When a girl’s parents feel that she can be considered an adult, her mother will give her an armband, usually of gold but bone will be used if the family is poor. She will then give it to her own eldest daughter in turn. The armband is a very precious family heirloom and is considered a direct link to a women’s ancestresses. Younger daughters will receive a new band. Girls who want to be warriors instead of traditional wives can be go through the same rites as Sinclair males but they forfeit any right to their mother’s armband.

Funerary and Memorial customs

The dead are always cremated by the next of kin, since the Sinclairs fear that a whole corpse may be envious of the living and come back as a Draugr. Another throwback to their Great Eastern origin is ancestor veneration. The ashes of the dead will be kept in a shrine in the family home and prayed to for good luck and guidance. Death itself is (supposedly) nothing to be feared and is merely the next step on a warrior’s journey.

Common Taboos

As a more or less easy going people in the Age of the Lesser Ragnarök, taboos are a more personal thing and what offends one Sinclair may mean nothing to another. Just don’t insult their gods or their ancestors and they are usually easy enough to get along with.

They do have a few cultural taboos, mostly in regards to warfare. When fighting another people they will only kill those who fight. They will never take the fight beyond those who are actively involved. Civilians are never to be harmed and neighbouring nations who do harm the civilians of their enemies should expect a Sinclair army to march on them, even if they are completely unrelated to the conflict. Having nearly been wiped out by powerful enemies twice (Teng Dynasty war and later the Great Eastern exodus) they will never attempt genocide themselves, even against their most hated enemies.

Common Myths and Legends

Perhaps the greatest of the tales told among the Sinclairs is prophecy of Ragnarök. The Goddess Sinclair gave a vision to the young Prophet Jun Sinclair, son of Shen. The vision showed the entire world of Barriban in chaos, covered in lifeless deserts and frozen ice fields, with no living people and only grotesque alien creatures roaming and fighting until the sun burned away. She then explained to Jun that a war among the gods was prophesied and this is what could become of Barriban in the far future if Asgard fared badly. She promised she would sent Angels and Valkyries before the calamity to try and prevent it. He was instructed to warn the clan and to make sure they were prepared to fight by their side for the salvation of their world. The exact nature of Ragnarök is still unclear to the Sinclairs but they always listen well to any prophets that pass through their lands.

Historical figures

The most famous and venerated person in the clan’s history is their founder, Sinclair. She rose from a very lowly background but was very proficient in fire magic. Through vigorous training she became a Warlock in only five hundred years and ascended to godhood in a mere two thousand. She became the first head of the Sinclair clan and established them as a local hegemony in the Great East. After her ascension she joined the pantheon of Asgard and became the patron god of her clan.

Bai the Wave

Rising very early in the clan’s history, Bai Sinclair, son of Fai, in the line of Qiang, was the great grandson of Sinclair but aside from that very little is know about his life. He started learning the sword at an early age and by the age of forty was one of the best swordsman in the world. He wrote down his technique shortly before his death.

Jun Sinclair, son of Shen
A prophet of Goddess Sinclair from the late Years of Rise who delivered the prophecy of Ragnarök. He also predicted several military and political events that allowed the Sinclairs to overthrow the Xiao dynasty and hold power for over ten thousand years, the longest Great Eastern dynasty in history.

The Orphan Warlock and the Avenging Warlock
Two Grieving Warriors who became Warlocks during the last battle of the Teng Dynasty War. They saved the whole clan from extermination and oversaw it rebuilding. See Grieving Warriors, History.

Robin the Watcher

For more information see Robin the Watcher

Willow the Untamed
As the title implies, Willow was a very unruly person. She very rarely focused on any one project for very long and was easily distracted. The only thing she could devote herself to truly was her spear and her spear arts. She wrote her Spear Tome out of boredom whilst she was recovering from her fight with a Fafnir dragon. She spent many centuries traveling the world with her friends and eventually broke through Warlock class and later ascended close to her nine thousandth birthday. Because of her expansive travel and the trouble she usually caused there are stories about her throughout the world.

Jörgan the Thunderous
Know for his loud and hearty laughter even in the face of certain death, Jörgan is one of the most beloved figures in Sinclair history. His most famous act is saving the clan from an army sent by the King of Iron in the North Isles. When the army was passing through a valley he used his masterful axe arts to strike the mountain above them, causing a rock avalanche that destroyed them and saved the clan. He is also know for for his harem of eight wives that included among others a princess of the Zhou dynasty in the Great East, an Ice Witch from the Ever Fountain Palace and the Spider Web Warlock. While he created the Mountain Dividing Axe Art it was only written down after his death by his eldest son and disciple, Harold.

Revna Sinclair, daughter of Bodil
A prophetess of the Goddess Sinclair who passed the goddess’ instruction the leave the North Isles and go the the Land of Sun and Snow. Her instruction was proved wise two hundred years later when the former Sinclair land in the North Isles was destroyed by a volcanic eruption.

Douglas the Infernal
A fire mage of the ninth rank, he helped establish and settle the clan after the collapse of the Sinclair kingdom in the Land of Sun and Snow. He remained as its guardian for the rest of his life.

Julian Sinclair, son of Amos, in the line of Tomland Halfsight
For more information see Julian Sinclair.

Evergale, daughter of Mary-Lee, later know as Evergale the Hound Hunter
A member of the Grieving Warriors and a prodigal archer, she hunted the Cerberus of the Traitor King’s army which no one below the level of Warlock was believed to be able to kill, while only 19 years old and rank 2 in Soul Forging. She gained much fame in her clan and the Abercrombie clan, in whose lands the Cerberus was rampaging, considered her a hero. When the Sinclair Empire expanded near the Abercrombies thirty years later, they agreed to become a Sinclair vassal state so long as she was the Imperial Envoy. She became a Warlock 600 years later and was known as the Holy Arrow Warlock.


Beauty Ideals

In Males
Although strength and skill in combat is highly idolised, a thoughtful mindset and calm attitude will usually be more attractive to Sinclair woman. Preferences in physical looks will vary from individual to individual, but a neat beard will usually by invoke a feeling that a man is more responsible.

In Females
Since men prefer different things, there is little standardisation for feminine beauty. Women will dress and groom usually to what they like, unless they are perusing to attention of a certain man in which case they will try to be appealing to him. Long hair is the norm among woman and in the largely dark haired Sinclair clan blondes are considered almost exotic.

Gender Ideals

All men are meant to be pillars of their household, caring of their wives, a guide to their children and respectful to their elders. Whatever their main profession, all males receive combat training and are expected to be able to fight for the clan and their family. The Sword and the Axe are traditionally men’s weapons.

Women in the clan are expected to marry by their early twenties and then spend their days having and raising children and also keeping their husbands house in good order. In reality, Sinclair women enjoy almost as much choice and freedom as the men. Although few devote themselves to the life of a warrior, most can still fight quite well since fathers will usually teach all their children combat at the same time. Even after a woman marries it is unlikely she will enter a state of domestic bliss. The social order of the clan is maintained by wives who keep on the lookout for trouble brewing and move to nip it in the bud. The Spear and the Bow are traditionally women’s weapons.

Courtship Ideals

When searching for a mate Sinclairs tend to think less about love and more about trust and reliability. Marriage is considered less as the union of two lovers but more as a permanent alliance between two warriors. Courtship usually takes the form of performing a series of tasks and favours for the other party. These task can range from very mundane things to activities that can be outright dangerous. By successfully completing the tasks asked of each other the couple can prove that they are competent and can be trusted.

This unusual custom comes from the creator of the Spear Tome, Willow Sinclair, daughter of Wilmia, better know as Willow the Untamed. According to legend the son of the Sinclair chief wanted to wed her but she had no interest. In an attempt to get him to give up she promised that if he could bring her the head of the Great Dragon of Yin that lived in the far north, she would marry him. The youngsters of the clan imitated this behaviour but with slightly less crazy tasks.

Relationship Ideals

The Sinclairs hold to the ideals of their original homeland in the Great East in their treatment of the elderly, holding them in great respect and caring for them long after they are capable of aiding the clan. Unlike many of their neighbouring clans who fear old age and shun it, they see the elderly as a blessing to the youthful, providing experience where instinct fails.

A wild romantic relationship is considered a failed relationship. Unity, calmness and trust are considered the three key aspects of any Sinclair marriage, leading to a strong family which is the building blocks of a strong clan. Some scholars attribute this aspect of Sinclair life to the long lastingness of the clan, establishing a strong foundation that prevents the internal strife responsible for the weakening of most nations.

It is believed that true brotherhood is forging on the battlefield and not in the womb. As such no special importance is placed on sibling relationships socially and if siblings have an especially strong bond it is because that is just how they grew up and not because of cultural nature. It is not uncommon for a Sinclair to side with their friends over their family if a dispute breaks out over something, even if that friend is from another nation or clan.

There is a proverb in the wider world that says “a Sinclair friend is worth ten brothers and a Sinclair wife is worth a royal guard.” The latter half of the proverb relates to the story of a Sinclair woman married to a North Isle merchant who fought off the guard of a petty regional king who tried to unjustly seize her husband’s products. The king was so scared of the woman taking further vengeance that he paid the family thrice their net wealth to leave his territory and never return.

Major organizations

Branches of various guilds and organisations reside in Sinclair lands but the only entities that they may call their own are the Grieving Warriors and the top secret Sinclair Harlot Network.
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Articles under Sinclair Clan

Years of Rise

97999 BTK 87001 BTK

From the establishment of the clan by Sinclair until the replacement of the Xiao dynasty.


Author's Notes

I’m using the Sinclair page as a springboard into the rest of Barriban. As such this article may be subject to updates and changes.

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