The God Scar Geographic Location in Barony of Edresh | World Anvil
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The God Scar

The God Scar is a massive rift in the hills north of Daggerfell Mountain. Local legend says the God Scar was created long ago when the gods still walked the earth. The gods made war with the forces of chaos. A massive army of darkness gathered here. The gods caused the earth to open up and swallow up the monsters.    Few dare to plumb the depths of the God Scar, and few others return from the depths. Monsters lurk in the darkness. Born of nightmares and shadow, they hunger for the flesh of the unwary who venture within.   The most famous expedition to enter the God Scar was the Doom Bringers. Led by Doldem Hillwalker, the Doom Bringers descended into the benighted depths of the God Scar. Only one member, Sorla Seaspear, returned. Maddened by what she witnessed, she now lives with her family in Grennoth. They say that her room is kept constantly lit, for when confronted by darkness her screams of terror can be heard throughout the city.


The God Scar is a rift in the ground. Long and narrow, it runs roughly north to south in the hill country north of Daggerfell Mountain. The Lost River flows down from the snow capped peaks of Daggerfell and cascades over the southern tip of the God Scar in a great waterfall, the falling water disappearing into the darkness.


Light never penetrates the depths of the God Scar. Coupled with the fact that so few explorers return alive, and very little is known about what lurks in the depths. Stennem Starseer, a cleric of Zulcoth residing in the Tower of the Sundered Tome in Oakenvale, is the foremost expert, having gathered and compiled what information exists about the God Scar.  Stennem breaks the Scar into zones. Sunlight reaches into the top zone during the day, what he calls the Daylight Zone. Monstrous vermin, such as huge spiders, live here, catching and eating anything that wanders too close to the Scar. The next zone is the Twilight Zone. Here the light only weakly reaches. Undead have been reported here, people who were trapped within the Scar and died only to come back as ravenous ghouls. The last is what he calls the Midnight Zone. It is a deep darkness that never knows the light. What is down here he can only speculate, for there are no records.
Gorge / Rift


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