The Hand of Destiny Nebula and The Gift of Hope Star Geographic Location in Bane of the Shadow | World Anvil

The Hand of Destiny Nebula and The Gift of Hope Star

I may be treated as a pariah and banished as a shadow for what I've done, but now you will know the plight of my people--those your suposedly superior ones left behind to perish.
— Tarc
  The Tilgish took over the first Khuzgish ship that came back to Ziln, after the Great Exodus. Unfortunately, it was only a scout ship and wasn't built to carry that many people. Supplies quickly ran low.   The Khuzgish felt they couldn't bring the shadow curse to their new planet. So they erased any evidence of it in the ship's memory and made a death pact keep the location secret from the Tilgish.  
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  For the first time in the history of the Tilgish, a shadow forced another being to be a host. Such an action was considered most vile, and the shadow would be shunned and left to vanish after their host died. Desperate to help his people, Tarc Ot' Deptal Shungish connectd himself via spirit tether to the captain of the ship. But the Tilgish community supported it, because they knew they needed off planet and someone had to convince the stubbron captain to do so. The act condemned the Khuzgish captain to become a shadow too. This was the worst pairing Tarc had ever been through. But it convinced the second in command of the ship, to see the Captain's selfishness, make a compromise, and get them on their way--insted of remaining on Ziln for their entire lives.  
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  Shocked at the betrayal, the captain went on a hunger strike over the rebellion of his crew. He died in a gamble that someone would take him as a shadow and he could gain back the ship. No one volunteered, for all the crew and Tilgish already had shadows.   After the captain's shadow form vanished, legend says that a nebula in the shape of an open hand reaching toward someone appeared in the sky with a blinding flash. It was lit by a single intense star trail seeminly indicating the power of the hand was spotted in the scout ship's scans. The Mnorh took it as a sign in the hopes of saving at least a few of the crew and passengers before food ran out.  
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  The hand pointed the way to Earth and the star at the wrist gave the exact vector to follow.  
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Milky Way Galaxy (in Earth speak). Just past the center of the triple Alpha Centauri sun and pointing rim ward. It's positioned 3.56649028613333 degrees above the ecliptic. This approximate direction will last for another 3,000 years, until it points toward another star. .

Cover image: by NASA/JPL-Caltech/McGill


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