Semana eftir'Koia Li'rete Character in Az-Atla Realm of the Lost Moon | World Anvil
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Semana eftir'Koia Li'rete

The Devouring Mother

The Devouring Mother

Please note that this article contains significant spoilers regarding the true history of Az-Atla, or does it? Anyway, it's considered a meta-content article. If you have stumbled upon it, please keep that in mid as you read it.
  From the Philosophies of Narizti of the Green. Treatise 3 Vol 12
Reflections of Love and Duty.

She does not speak of Her personal history. The records of such things in the WebWorks are lost, hidden or denied. Those who know truths about Her, know better then to speak of them.
So, anything that can be written about Her can merely be a fragile scaffold that we place our expectations on like so many childish paintings made to win approval from a distant but loving mother.
The enigma of Her personal story is a great inspiration to many Citizens regardless of profession, social means, or personal disposition. Even the reviled Outcasts have produced dozens of works, albeit heretical, speculating on Her past. So, it should not come as a shock that there are any number of versions of Her personal story.
This work will not examine or critique any of them, but rather focus on known historical facts regarding Her and Her interactions with the Realm to form a more logical and structured understanding of Her past.
This work will not indulge in the more base and excessively creative methodologies proposed by my erroneous and ill-educated Brother, Jarkilti of the Green.
This work begins with the a few known statements that she has made in recent years will touring the Realm to frame the greater work and provide a thematic context to which the student can relate.
Consider in Five Hundred Forty Sixth of the Thirty Fourth, in the month of Orja-ilk on the 17th, while in the village of Guu'tarad, She said to a young low born Tiefling woman named Uup'ila:
"My eyes have seen your struggles a thousand fold, and they are mine. Know that your gift of devotion will ease the suffering of all futures to come."
This statement while deeply meaningful for the noble Uup'ila, is a sentiment that She has expressed repeatedly through the years of the Realm's history. Certainly, the statement is not known to be repeated, but through the implementation of Yar'kari of the Green's Syntactic Inter-Condensation and Testing, there is little doubt that She has expressed such thoughts throughout history.
In this manner it possible to strongly speculate that She experienced a great deal of hurt, loss, and possibly death, and cares so deeply for the Realm, that She hopes to elevate all Citizens to a state where such hardships are non-existent or minimal.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She appears to all as an appropriately ethereal female member of their species to which that person experiences an attraction towards. She is always physically fit, in excellent health and such that a person can not accurately describe what She looks like. Citizen's are left with an emotional impression with which to create an image of Her.

Identifying Characteristics

The Aura. 
This is an Aura that impedes the capacity to rationally think. Those in her immediate physical presence often loose the capacity to speak coherently. They act impulsively to demonstrate their devotion and love. They divest themselves of clothing, writhe on the ground or dance and sing, or some such. Logical thought is not possible while within Her Aura. None who have experienced the Aura can clearly recall the experience as they are overwhelmed with the emotional remembrance of the ecstasy they felt.

Special abilities

All that Az-Atla contains, and all that the Ancient Ones once had.

Apparel & Accessories

Regn'naður NiwaniwaSou Jwèt (The Rainbow Vestments) and The Pioneers.
It may seem strange to list a group of people as accessories, but The Pioneers are always apparent with the Devouring Mother. Four travelling on the Throne and five walking along side.
As the ToronAnman Til-inkasér travels the Rainbow Vestments flow around Her and the Pioneers who escort her. It flows amongst them like a river of light, sometimes subtle and sometimes blinding.

Specialized Equipment

Unknown Ancient Wisdoms.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Devouring Mother is the last of her kind. She is the last of the Ancient Ones.
Some 57000 years ago Ao'ahara'dyal devoured a moon. This caused catastrophic geographic destruction and the destruction of the Ancient One's civilization on the planet.
The Ancient Ones where a highly advanced space fairing race previous to their obliteration. They had established orbital platforms, and smaller colonies on two of the three moons. They had deduced the truth and general details of their upcoming destruction as a moon collided with their planet. And, this caused a great civil war.
By the end of the war, it was determined that a small fraction of the Ancient Ones would leave the planet in a generation ship for the closest star with a planet the could sustain life. Every remaining resource that the Ancient Ones had went to this great endeavour. The moon bases were decommissioned and striped. Millions of the Ancient Ones and their servant races laboured tirelessly to create the require resources to save a mere 10% of their spicies. Everything else, everyone else, all things else ... were to be left behind, or sacrificed to provide the Ee-Loque required to power the generation ship's systems.
The Devouring Mother was the Ancient One appointed to remain behind and endure the apocalypse.
Someone had to remain. Just in case. To watch over the Noble Entombed.

She survived the decades it took for Ao'ahara'dyal to stabilize after its consumption of the moon in a Faid pod orbiting the planet, and then returned to the planet to survey and organize the possible survivors. She could find none of the Noble Entombed. They to had been consumed by the planet.
She realized She was alone, with nothing but sub-species and strange unknown creatures. The entirety of the planet's bio-sphere and ecosystems had changed. She gathered small groups of sub-species, creatures who had the potential of sentience and successfully uplifted four. These would rebuild civilization as Her instruments of vengeance.


As She desires. If She does so.


Vast and unfathomable. 
As the immortal ruler of Az-Atla, who has had over 50,000 years to learn, adapt and grow, She undoubtedly has forgotten hundreds of lifetimes of knowledge.
Or has she?


She has given birth to civilization. She has pushed back the chaos of the Devastation. She has nurtured and fertilized all living things within the Realm with Her love, compassion and discipline. She has ordered, structured and given purpose.

Accomplishments & Achievements

All of Az-Atla.

Personality Characteristics


She desires to destroy the soul of Ao'ahara'dyal. Just as the planet murdered Her civilization, She has plotted for the last 50000 years a manner to destroy the planet.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Pack over 50,000 years of knowledge, practice and drive into one person. Go from there.

Vices & Personality flaws

By any civilized standard She is completely sociopathic. Her motivations are functionally unfathomable due to her alien nature and due to the fact that She has been Saturated at such an unreasonable levels for the majority of Her existence.
For the last 50,000 years She has been collecting Breath from the Citizen's of Az'atla. Even if there were only 100,000 citizens and she only collected 100 levels of Breath, the Devouring Mother would have at least 5,000,000 levels of stored Breath.
Lawful Alien
Current Status
The Mother of Civilization.
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Over 50,000 - Immortal
Date of Birth
The pre-dawn of civilization.
Current Residence
The colour of Inspiration
The hue of Adoration
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
The shade of Compassion
Owned Vehicles
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Founded Settlements


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