Lwa-Saþykktir - Kotahi in Az-Atla Realm of the Lost Moon | World Anvil
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Lwa-Saþykktir - Kotahi

Where those expectations of The Devouring Mother's citizens are addressed.

Statutes of Responsibilities and Privileges, 356

Part 1

Whereas The Realm of Az-Atla is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of the Devouring Mother and Her Will as Law:

Guarantee of Responsibilities and reasonable expected Privileges.

Responsibilities in Az-Atla
The Statutes of Responsibilities and Privileges of Az-Atla guarantees the societal responsibilities of its citizens and the reasonable privileges that they can expect in so far as those privileges are not prescribed by further statues, laws or actions as deemed necessary to fulfill Her Will by those agents of Her Will.

Fundamental Responsibilities

1. Every Citizen of the Realm has the following fundamental responsibilities:
(a) responsibility to maintain good public conscience and behaviour.
(b) responsibility to maintain good public associations.
(c) responsibility to peacefully coexist with their fellow citizens without violence or harm.
(d) responsibility to express themselves in a manner that does not unsettle the public good or productivity.
  2. Every citizen of the Realm has the following legal responsibilities:
(a) responsibility to know and understand statutes and civil laws that pertain to them and those properties, monies or duties to which they are responsible for.
(b) responsibility to allow access to civil agents and agents of the Ministry of Paragons during actions deemed related to civil law or the en-action of Her Will.
(c) responsibility to facilitated the safe detainment of themselves or other citizens by civil authority or by the Ministry of Paragons when directed.
(d) responsibility to inform civil agents or Paragons of any concerns or additional considerations of interested upon their detainment or being questioned regarding a civic issue.

3. Every citizen of the Realm has the following equality responsibilities:
(a) responsibility to apply the law equally and without discrimination or prejudice to other citizens of the Realm.
(b) responsibility to care for the well being of fellow citizens insofar as to prevent untimely death and grievous physical injury.

4. Every citizen of the Realm has the following language responsibilities:
(a) responsibility to write documentation produced for purposes other then private communication in Realm Common and Elvish.
(b) responsibility to learn both Realm Common and Elvish.

5. Every Citizen of the Realm as the following reasonable expected privileges:
(a) privilege of selecting a civil authority for their community in a manner suitable to their benefit and prosperity.
(b) privilege of determining the length of mandate for a civil authority of their community suitable to their benefit and prosperity.
(c) privilege of determining where they shall create a residency.
(d) privilege to seek or endevour in labour that is suitable to their benefit and prosperity.
(e) privilege of being informed of the reasons for their detainment by civil authorities or the Ministry of Paragons at a time that is both timely and safe.
(f) privilege of selecting their own legal advocate who would provide expert knowledge on appropriate statutes and application of corrective measures.
(g) privilege of reasonable attempts by civil authorities and the Ministry of Paragons to communicate concerns in a manner that can be understood by the citizen.
Part 2

Whereas The Realm of Az-Atla is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of the Devouring Mother and Her will as Law:

Enforcement and Application.

Enforcement and Application in Az-Atla
The Statutes of Responsibilities and Privileges of Az-Atla further details how the domain of application and enforcement through the geography of the Realm is directed by Her will.

Enforcement and Application
6. Nothing in these Statutes or further Statutes limits the authority of The Devouring Mother.
7. These Statutes as Kothai prescribe and limit further Statutes unless directed by Her, Her will through the Ministry of Paragons, or duly designated agents.
8. These Statutes shall be interpreted in a manner that is consistent with the spirit of Her will and the prosperity of the Realm.
9. Any citizen who feels that another citizen may not fully understand their responsibilities as set forth in these Statutes or further Statutes may at their discretion notify the civil authorities.
10. This Statute applies to the Realm in its entirety, all living creatures inhabiting the Realm, and all resources of the Realm.
11. Future Statutes may augment, supplement, or support this Statute.


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