Kr'ypuaska Pria Species in Az-Atla Realm of the Lost Moon | World Anvil
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Kr'ypuaska Pria

Cloud Bane

Kr'ypuaska Pria are in many ways deadly predators. However, they lack a hunter's spirit. They are essentially lazy and opportunisitic.

Basic Information


Pria are gigantic roughly ovoid in shape. Seen from the side, they have a curved upper surface and a flat bottom surface. While it is assumed that there is a forward face of the creature, that may not be the case as there is no distinctive features which would indicate a front face.
The top of the creature is heavily armoured with at least one layer of overlapping bone-metal composite plates. Some scholars speculate that there may be multiple layers of plate armour. There is further speculation that the metal that the Pria uses to metabolize into the bone plates is gathered from the various items that its prey carries.
The undersurface of a Pria is unarmoured, and is where the offensive weapons are found. The strobe and sonic emitters are found on this surface, along with its mouth which generates the engulfing vortex.

Genetics and Reproduction

Wardens talk of three possible ways that the Pria could reproduce.

One theory is that at a particular size the Pria simple seperate into two or more identical entities, much like the simple lower organisms in nature do. This would place them in a specicies taxonmy similar to fugiod or amphibinoid organsims.

Another theory is that Pria are bi-sexual organisms and mate via a manner unknown. Many marrine creatures have interal organs for sexual reproduction that are only apparent when mating is emminent. And, while Pria are not rarely encountered creatures, they are almost never seen in close proximity to each other.

The third popular theory is that when a Pria is injured enough, they simply -expel - the damaged portion of themselves and that damaged portion eventally 'heals' and becomes a 'baby' Pria. This theory may be more citizen myth to explain common folk's experience of strange sounds and shapes seen in the deep hours of the night, or missing items from camps.

Growth Rate & Stages

It is generally accepted, that Pria are somehow ... born, and it is assumed they start small and become terrifying large. Perhaps there are some inbetween stages, but only the Wardens or the Pargons would know this, and they have not released such infomation. May Her Gloy and Will be Exaulted.

Ecology and Habitats

They inhabit the sky above Nur-ymir. They do not appear to nest, rest or ever settle on the ground. They do not appear to have any migratory patterns, but it is known, through the relentless efforts of scholars and Wardens, that for some reason they do eventually spend years in the environs of the The Folly and the World Sea.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Pria eat animals. They are carnivores.
They do have an amazing capacity to go for very long periods of time without eating, but they do eat and they eat animals and whatever those animals happen to have.

Biological Cycle

Little is known about the life cycle of Pria by the common Citizen. However, it is a certainity that the Wardens know something this topic. What little knowledge that has been hinted at and that is 'known' commonly can be boiled down to statements such as this:
  1. Keeping under the cover of the Canopy is the safest way to avoid the gaze of the Pria.
  2. They are lazy and don't like to chase for long periods, so run quickly.
  3. They prefer to 'graze', so use another larger group of animals as cover for your travels.
  4. Older ones seem to be slower? But, maybe not.
  5. What they do not digest, they simply drop. This makes for the strange and rare experience of having metal items fall from the empty sky.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence


Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Pria have excellend sight. They have been known to 'see' prey from as far as 5km away at night. The accuity of their vision is practically legendary amognst those who travel within Nur-ymir and its immediate surrounding areas.
How they see is mostly mystery as well. Wardens have stated that the entire undersurface of the Pria acts like a maginfying lens, but they have not provided any credibel substanation to the brothehood of Medicaments, and the Paragons have never been inclinded to share their knowledge of Pria capabilities, even if they have such information.
It is uncertain if the Pria have any other sesory capacity, but it is known that they do not like begin damaged. So, perhaps they feel pain.
Size Type -

Danger Level -

Speed -
Moderate to Fast. Pria are natually sedate creatures, but given motivation they can, over short periods of time, move quite quickly. Suprisingly quickly for something so large.

Armour Class -
Not so Good. Their hide is thick, but they are easy to hit given their size. But, they are so large.... really. Very good. If you some how manage to get above them, you will note that their upper surface is covered in overlapping bone plates that have a hardened and metalic look to them.

Attacks each round -
1 - Light Flares
All creatures under the Pria that are looking up at it are effected by this attack. The Pria releases a series of blinding, rapid and random flashes which blind creatures under it.
1- Sonic Clicks
All creatures under the Pria that can hear and are within 40ms are effected by this attack. The Pria emmits a sequence of loud sub-sonic clicks which paralyis creatures under it.
and 1 - Engulf attack via a cyclonic vortex which it creates to suck up prey. Any creatures under the Pria and within 20m are suseptable to this attack.
These attacks are Area-Effect-Attacks.

Reach -
With its engulf - Anything two size categories smaller than the Pria.

Special Qualities -
Excellent vision, flying, aggresive, camoflauge.
Pira look like ths sky. To the untrained, Pria are practically indistiguishable from the sky. Considered to be only visable 95% of the time and often hidden clouds anyway.
Resistance to - fire, lighting and acid.

Treasure -
Random items of value found in their stomach that have not been digested or passed. Pria eat some pretty impressive things.

Tactics -
Pira will float silently, letting the wind carry them, over the canopy of Nur-ymir looking down to spot herds or large collections of animals. Cravans for example, or perhaps a herd of other prey animals.
Ideally, the Pira remains unnoticed, until its prey is under it. If that is he case, they will simply engulf what they can. They hover over their prey, stunning and then engulging what they can until satiated or injured.

However, if they are high above once they have sighted food they then quickly attack, closing the distance and coming down from the sky. They almost always attempt a fly past while engulfing what they can as an attack of opportunity and surprise. Should they fail to capture a meal, they will return until satified.
Conservation Status
Jade List - Least Concern
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Length
Average Physique
Exceptionally tough and healthy.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The undeside of a Pria has the capability to camophlage. This means that Pria are practically impossible to detect as they blend seemlessly into the sky above them.
It isn't until they are close enough to engulf their prey that the textured and pebbled look of their underside is visable. Typically, though the prey are blind and stunned by this point, so they are distracted from the strange nature that is the Pria underside.

Well prepared 'hunting' parties have managed to 'see' Pria, so it is known that the Pria's mouth is only open when it is eating, and the entire underside is covered with an array of small random pebble sized bumps.
Geographic Distribution


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