Ardan of Ryal Character in Ayrith | World Anvil

Ardan of Ryal

Ardan of Ryal

Ardan's legend is told in the story FOR THE LOVE OF A KING. Learn where you can read it for free here: The Stories.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

As a sorcerer of red magic, his eyes are a deep red. This is also the color that accompanies any spells he uses.

Apparel & Accessories

Ardan typically wears a red robe. He also wears a necklace with a pendant of a flying dragon, the symbol of the Ryal court sorcerer.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ardan was born in the city of Ryal to parents of a mid-range income. His mother helped her brother run his inn and his father was a sorcerer who spent his days supplying spells to any who would pay, though he was more ethical than some in his profession. It came as a surprise that Ardan was more powerful than his father or either of his two siblings who had also inherited their father's magic. As one of only twelve living sorcerers with red magic, Ardan's power was recognized at the time of his birth. He would later go on to do justice to his status as a powerful sorcerer.




As soon as he was old enough, at eight years, Ardan was apprenticed to another sorcerer with red magic in the city of Ryal. He learned all he could of magic, as well as history, politics, and geography. His master, Harlem, took him throughout the country to teach him all he could.


At the conclusion of his apprenticeship, Ardan was granted the position of court sorcerer for King Leigh. He formed a close relationship with Prince Caol, who soon became king upon his father's death. He served as court sorcerer until the fall of Phelin to Berk in 333.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Ardan is remembered for raising the future Grand King Caolan and assisting him in taking Phelin once more from the control of Berk.

Mental Trauma

The loss of King Caol, his lover, deeply affected him. His heart remained loyal to him and he never formed another romantic relationship during his lifetime. When he learned where Caol had been killed during the invasion, he went there to end his own life. However, he did not do this until his final task of securing Grand King Caolan's rule was complete.

Personality Characteristics


Ardan's motivation in his work with Caolan was to complete his king's final command. It was his duty, and his duty alone, to raise Caolan to retake the throne of Phelin.

Honorary & Occupational Titles
Court Sorcerer to the King of Phelin, Court Sorcerer to the Grand King of Phelin
304 TE 357 TE 53 years old
Circumstances of Death
Medium length, brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Trade and the Ancient language.