Aakhir Species in Ayonerra | World Anvil


Aakhirs were created by god Yuvnis to keep track of Shemokmedi. With their advanced vision, aakhirs could see the Sun’s colourful body slither inside its shell, as well as notice minuscule holes and tears on its surface. Yuvnis desired the knowledge to find Shemokmedi’s weaknesses and ways to replace the Sun. Relatively few aakhirs know of Yuvnis’s objective, thus most have mundane lives.

Illusion Magic

Aakhirs have illusion magic, able to make certain items seem different or make them invisible for a limited time. The original object's texture still persists. Skilled mages can fully conceal their bodies, including the sounds. Aakhirs better sense other aakhir's illusions, but aren't completely immune to its effect.

Basic Information

Aakhir bodies are covered with feathers. Their large eyes are fixed in the sockets so Aakhirs must turn their entire heads to change views. Aakhirs can rotate their heads and neck as much as 270°. Their chests are wide and muscular, wingspan being roughly 4-5 metres. They have wings as arms with three fingers each. Aakhirs are capable of using their feet to manipulate objects with a high degree of dexterity, in a similar manner to other races using their hands. The legs are strong enough to hold and use weapons effectively. Each foot has four toes and one spur.

Facial characteristics
Aakhirs possess large, forward-facing eyes, hole-like nostrils and flat, beak-like mouths. The middle of their upper and lower lips are firmer than the corners. Both men and women faces are covered with feathers, while men can grow feathery beards. They have a transparent nictitating membrane to keep the eye moist and clean while guarding it from the Sun, wind, dust, and hazards.

80-90 years
Average Height
2 metres
Average Length
Wingspan - 4-5 metres
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Depend on which bird the aakhir resembles.
Genetics and Reproduction
Aakhirs reproduce by laying fertilized eggs and incubating them for 4-5 months. Usually they lay two eggs at a time, but more or less are possible. the eggs and newborn aakhirs are really fragile and need constant, attentive care. If parents look like different birds, a child inherits one of the parents' appearance. E.g. an eagle and owl aakhirs can have an eagle or an owl looking children.

If an aakhir woman gets pregnant by another race, she still lays eggs. Because the eggs are relatively small, the child is often born prematurely and might have health related complications. If an aakhir man impregnates a woman from another race, the fetus develops inside the womb. It can also lead to life-threatening complications, but the child is usually born full term.
Growth Rate & Stages
Newborn aakhirs are tiny, pink with very little or no feathers. As the child grows, they develop pin feathers that will eventually fan out to full feathers. They learn crawling, climbing and walking in several weeks, while flying takes a year.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities
Aakhirs can see considerably farther and perceive colours invisible to other races. This led to them developing ink inconspicuous to others. Their hearing and vestibular system are also exceptional. When focusing on an object, aakhir heads can lock in a fixed position, while their bodies move freely in other directions. Aakhirs can taste different spices and peppers, but they can't feel the painful heat, so have no adverse reaction to hot meals. Something other races must consider before trying aakhir cuisine.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals
Many aakhirs find well kept, colourful feathers, tall bodies, long legs and wide chests attractive. Their vision allows aakhirs to see beautiful patterns on each other which are invisible to other races.

Cover image: by Nincho


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Sep 15, 2022 15:33 by Aster Blackwell

I love how aakhirs can't taste spice, and how that might be something you need to keep in mind if you're eating their food ;P I really love this take on Bird People!! It's very creative and succinct at the same time.

Sep 17, 2022 18:41

Thank you! I'm glad to hear.