Karlak Desert Geographic Location in Ayoen | World Anvil

Karlak Desert

Synonymous with desolation and distress, the Karlak Desert is also a place full of mystery. Indeed, no one really knows its geography and there is no map to date that allows you to travel there without risk.


The Karlak Desert is located west of the continent, north of the equator at a latitude of about 30°. It is a desert of stones, made up of vast stretches of rockery and large rocky concretions.
In the western part of the desert, the landscape evolves in a succession of deep canyons carved out of meagre rivers.
To the east, as we move inland, the environment becomes more and more arid and desiccated by a burning wind blowing from the southwest. The canyons give way to huge rocky concretions that form arches and bridges, as if sculpted by the hands of some giant.

The secret part of geography...
In this desert, there is a set of huge clustered rocks that is actually a gigantic stone creature, the Karlak, which gives its name to the place (although few living beings remember this origin).
Karlak is a mineral Quasi-elemental of exceptional proportions (1500m long), made out of a Stone Elemental and some positive energy.
The creature was summoned several centuries ago by a legendary spellcaster and has remained a prisoner of the Material Plan ever since.
Outside its original plane of existence, Karlak is greatly weakened and must remain in a cataleptic state for long periods of time (years or even decades) to accumulate the energy provided by the desert sand.
During his rare travels, it is the geography of an entire part of the desert that is modified. For this reason, maps of the Karlak Desert are usually incorrect.
To date, the existence of Karlak's creature is not known and only a few ancient scholars are aware of the history of its creation, which they often consider a legend.

Fauna & Flora

The Karlak Desert is populated by different animals typical of dry and desert environments:
  • Jackals are quite common in the western Karlak Desert and generally move in packs of 4 to more than 15 individuals
  • Poisonous snake can be found in the many rocky crevices of the desert, which provide ideal habitat for these animals, whether isolated or in swarms. One of the most common snakes is the Ketka
  • the Bidwams, a kind of kangaroo mouse adapted to arid climates, also take advantage of the many shelters offered by this tortured landscape and are, consequently, the natural prey of predators such as the Ketka
Characters in Location

Cover image: by Sergey Anashkevitch


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