Adurnaseh Thriti

Ophidian Mother Adurnaseh Thriti

Adurnaseh Thriti is a famous wizard who has been leading the Naga Order for more than a century and chose to become a Lich about 20 years ago.
She is the daughter of the Order's founder, Oxyartes Thriti, and inherited her office upon the death of her father.

During her decades of reign, Adurnaseh profoundly transformed the Naga Order , first by feminizing it deeply and then by diversifying the scope of its activities, especially the commercial ones.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Oxyartes Thriti is swept away by a mysterious illness as Adurnaseh enters her thirty-third year. A struggle for succession then began between Adurnaseh and her father's opponents in the Order, which she eventually won thanks to skilful political manoeuvres and some "timely disappearances" of her most vehement rivals.

As soon as she became head of the Order, Adurnaseh imposed her most loyal lieutenants, mostly women, into key positions in the organization and manoeuvred to oust members who were not perfectly devoted to her.

Accomplishments & Achievements

In the following years, she concentrated her efforts on diversifying the Order's activities and formed an alliance with the Bidwam Smala, a once small guild of caravanners operating in the Karlak Desert .
This collaboration will soon prove extremely profitable for both organizations and the Naga Route will then become the region's main trade route.

As the power and wealth of the Order grows, new institutions are founded throughout the continent, radiating from the Karlak Naga Order and an extremely developed and robust teleportation network is installed between the various institutions, so that prominent members of the Order can move quickly from one region to another.

Current Location
Pale green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Cadavery pale white

Cover image: by Sideshow Collectibles
Character Portrait image: by Sideshow Collectibles


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