Cursed Island of Mehzim Geographic Location in Ayndrinor | World Anvil
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Cursed Island of Mehzim (meh-zeem)

The cursed island was once a beautiful paradise, according to some of the oldest history texts in existence. In the early days of Ayndrinor, the island was lush and green, with all manner of fauna residing within its rainforest ecosystem. There were a few small settlements here and there, but nothing that really threatened the balance of the rainforest. That changed when the cult of Khemozh decided the island would be the perfect place for a temple to their mistress of decay and hexes. None of the other small towns on the island were powerful enough to stop this happening, and the various states that existed at the time cared little for an island far away from their homes.   Within five years of the temple's completion, the rainforest was gone completely, replaced by a barren desert. The towns that had once peppered the southern half of the island were reduced to rubble and ruin, filled with the rotting skeletons of those who were not able to to flee in time. Though the cultists themselves perished during the act of dedicating their dark temple, their mistress's vision for the island was fully realized and remains to this day.   Many people claim that the island and all buildings on it are cursed and/or haunted. The spirits of those townsfolk who were not worshippers of Khemozh but could not flee her destruction linger, unable to pass into the afterlife. The temple itself is rumored to contain the mummy of her High Priest, guarded by all manner of oozes, fungi, and undead. Very few have set foot on the island of Mehzim in recorded history, and even fewer have lived to tell of what they saw.

Alternative Name(s)
Khemozh's Paradise
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