The Dragon's Maw Geographic Location in Axeram | World Anvil
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The Dragon's Maw


The Dragon's Maw is a volcanic wasteland that resides in the north of Dralindur.  The area is home to several active volcanoes that send a constant stream of ash and smoke into the air. There are no settlements or people in the Dragon's Maw as it is completely inhospitable to both mortal and Veldren races. However, people have remained within the wasteland for brief periods; just long enough to conduct research. Due to its inhospitable nature, information on the area is limited to what people have seen from it's outskirts.  

Fauna and Flora

The only species seen to exist within the Dragon's Maw are dragons. It is unknown why the dragons come to the area as they neither hunt nor breed there. Despite this, their have been reports of dragons diving into volcanoes or gliding over ash fields. The plant life in the Dragon's Maw is quite simply non-existent. No records of any flora have ever been made. By all accounts, it seems as though the only thing alive in the area are dragons.  


Due to the location's peculiar nature, many theories and stories have been created regarding its nature. Some speculate that the area is home to entire ecosystems within the volcanoes, or that the dragons dive into the lava to meet their end. There are even some folk tales of a mage who transformed the landscape and took control of dragons simply so that he might get some peace and escape the tribulations of life in Axeram.
Alternative Name(s)
The fiery peaks
Owning Organization


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