Centrum Guard
The guard ultimately protects the interest of the guild who pays best, and not necessarily for the city or its people.
The Centrum Guard is the organization charged with enforcing the law in the city of Centrum. That's their official position which they adhere to quite well. Considering that the laws of the city of Centrum are influenced by the needs of the guilds, the Guard is effectively enforcing the interests of the city's merchants. In addition to their role as law enforcement, the Centrum Guard is charged by the guilds to ensure that the markets are secure and that goods and the merchants selling them can move about the city in safety. Since the guilds live and die by trade activity, they pay a lot to ensure the guard are able to do their job. As a result, the Centrum Guard is one of the most well-equipped organizations on the continent. Its members are payed rather well for their services to the city.Onboard Ships
The Guard is not exclusively found in the city of Centrum, but on its merchant vessels too. As the ships owned by Free City-State of Centrum are considered the city-state's property, there is an interest to enforce the law on these vessels. The Guard are also there to secure and protect cargo from pirate raids. Such raids occur rather frequently as a successful raid can be very profitable. Especially when the ship in question is transporting something especially valuable, like rare gemstones or rare spices. Since these raids occur with some frequency, the guard has many members who are experienced with identifying and driving off pirate raids. Those who remain in the city are decidedly less experienced in combat as they primarily have to deal with thieves that tend to avoid combat.
Military Order
Alternative Names
Guild Soldiers
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Guard Armament
- Rapier
- Glaive
- Dagger
- Crossbow
- Hand Crossbow
- Breastplate armor
Note(s) from the Archivists:
I know they're well trained and all, but would they be able to hold their own if war comes to Centrum? - Archivist Edward It is difficult to know for certain. Experience certainly counts for a lot, but the guard's experience comprises almost entirely of protecting trade from small-time bandits. - [Archivist Enna]Remove these ads. Join the Worldbuilders Guild