Lost in Midstar, Part 1 - "It Never Happens Like This In The Movies" Prose in Avôra | World Anvil
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Lost in Midstar, Part 1 - "It Never Happens Like This In The Movies"

Have you ever followed a strange looking guy into a black ally and been transported into an alternate universe full of swords, magic and goblins? Yeah, me neither. At least not until now. Now, first off, something I gotta clear up is why I followed a strange looking guy into an ally. I know not to take candy from strangers. But this guy was strange. Like, REALLY strange. He was wearing this long, dark blue robe. He had a long beard, and was always looking over his shoulder. I was just walking home from school when I saw this guy walk into Angelo’s Pizza & Subs (I was really craving a slice of pizza).   He was standing around until Angelo came to the counter and said, “‘Ey, buddy, you gonna order some’n or are you gonna jes’ stand there?” He walked out nervously. Being as intrigued as I was by his strange, paranoid mannerisms, I got off my ass and walked after him without looking too suspicious. Next thing I know, I’m stumbling through a portal into the middle of a forest like it’s the Chronicles of Narnia, or some anime the weeaboo art kids watch, or some crap like that.   At that point I was panicking. The robed guy was nowhere to be seen, and the portal thing I came through had vanished. I ran around for about 10 minutes, looking for some sign of anything that wasn’t forest, but there was no end to it. I just collapsed out of exhaustion, anxiety and anger. “FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS,” I yelled into the trees. I heard a sort of clanking in the distance. “Oh my God, there’s gotta be people or something over there! Please, help! I don’t know where I am, I gotta get back home, and-”. I stopped. When I got closer I realize those were swords clashing. A ways away I saw a man in full armor, knight armor, another guy in a pointy brimmed hat and robe holding staff, and this one chick who was covered by a dark green cloak, wielding daggers. They were in the middle of an even larger group of what seemed to be goblins. Like, little pale gnarly dudes with clubs and knives.   The wizard dude, right in front of my eyes, said something like, “Vior!”, and shot this bolt of fire out of his staff at one of the goblins, who ran around, engulfed in flames. I took cover behind a bush. “Holy smokes,” I exclaimed, ironically. I peaked back over the brush. The warrior slashed his sword through a couple goblins, and the cloaked woman shanked three of them to death in the blink of an eye. After watching their impressive skills, it wasn’t long before I started to notice that almost all of the goblins were lying dead, or at least half dead. Amazed, I walked out from behind the bush and approached them. “How did you guys do that,” I asked. The warrior pointed his blade at me.   “Bauk! Dieyr ech vurn fath?,” he said in a questioning manner.   “What? I’m sorry, but is that German or something? I only speak English and some Hebrew,” I told the warrior.   “Bauk,” the wizard said. He walked up to me and put the tip of the staff to my lips. “Taug.” He pulls his staff back. “What is your name, child?”   “Woah, how did you do that?”   “The man’s a magician. Has all sorts of tricks up his sleeve,” the warrior said. “I am Nörr, Son of Zörr, warrior of the Stormvale Clan.”   “I am Maerith, mage of High Keep,” said the wizard.   “And I am Tircínwen,” the cloaked woman said as she pulled down her hood, revealing her slightly pointed ears and long, brown hair. “... of the House of Bóthwae. And who are you?”   “I-I am Aaron,” I said. “Of the House of Benjamin?”   “Aaron? A strange name that I have never heard before,” the woman said.   “And even stranger raiment. Are you a fool?” the warrior asked, his brow crinkling.   “Umm…” I stuttered, not sure if I should be offended or not.   “Oh please. Tell us, what’s a boy doing this far out in the woods?” the wizard asked.   “Actually, I have no idea. I followed a strange looking guy into a back alley by Angelo’s Pizza, and next thing I know, I’m lost and I- run into you guys, fighting goblins,” I explain nervously.   “Never have I heard of such a place called Anjellos Pitsah. Are you telling tall tales, boy?”   “No, I swear! I was walking home from school, and now I’m beyond lost! I gotta get back to my mom and dad in Brooklyn! It’s Friday, and if I’m not home for-”   “Brooklyn? No such place exists in this realm. We are on our way to Northwood. We’re on the trail of a wizard, wanted for stealing ancient texts and research from the Mage’s College.”   “What in- Northwood? Mage’s College? What country am I in? Tell me I’m not in Canada!”   “We’re currently in the territory of Yolthâr, or Greenmere in the common tongue. Outside this peninsula of the forest is Anúrendor,” said the woman.   Now in a movie, this is where the main character would be like ‘Oh boy, I’m in this mystical new world of with elves and sorcery and knights! I’m gonna go on an adventure with these people I barely know!’, but not me. My heart dropped and my face went snow white.   “You don’t look well, boy. Are you fine?”   “... Nope.” I felt my knees buckle, and I crashed to the ground, my memory becoming blank from this point on.


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