Empire of Jeyawahle Organization in Avôra | World Anvil
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Empire of Jeyawahle

Jeyawahle (meaning "Land of the South") is the first established kingdom of men that expands throughout the entire desert, as well as into the savannas and jungles. It is the most powerful rival of Iléndir, and is one of their sworn enemy nations.


The Empire is divided into "Behemen", or provinces. There are 24 different provinces, each governed by a "Behem". The Emperor is the King of Kings in terms of power. The Emperor's palace is in Teh Kefiq, which means "City of the Emperor". Teh Kefig is in the central-most province of Behemen Tipaara.


Each province has a central city, with armed soldiers and walls to defend it. Jeyawahle has some of the strongest military forces in the world.


Long after the race of man was created, there was a tribe who formed a powerful nation in the southern desert lands. Their tribe was lead by a prophet called Kaanraia, who was said to be from Eyelleh himself. His followers helped him form a new nation known as Jeyawahle (Land of the South). The desert was not hard to conquer, as it wasn’t yet anyone’s territory. It was the jungles farther west that belonged to the Empire of Iléndir. Around the year 700, 3E, when Jeyawahle had built up their military, they invaded the jungle, slaughtering any Faen that were there. After hearing of this news, the Empire of Iléndir sent soldiers in Fennen Tirel to take back this land from the Jeyawahlens. After sailing there, many of the Faen soldiers were overwhelmed by the Jeyawahlens and their guerilla style tactics. The Faen retreated, and relations where forever shattered between these two empires. The Empire of Jeyawahle had cemented itself as a world power.


The prominent religion of Jeyawahle is Dheyaan (or Dheyaanism), a religion that follows the teachings of the prophet Kaanraia, who was "a prophey from Eyelleh". People of other religions are very outnumbered, and are often persecuted.

Eyelleh niw Zawmeen

Founding Date
Around 1050, 3E
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Desert Empire/Kingdom, Jeyawahlen Empire
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy

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