Ancient Sylvans and Their Beliefs in Avôra | World Anvil
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Ancient Sylvans and Their Beliefs

In days long past, when the world was younger, there were those who followed the ways of the wild, who changed with the seasons, and who gave praise to the earth and all that it provided them. Some of the Faen that first came to the world who did not wish to expand as a kingdom broke off from the other Faen, and established a form of worshipping the natural world. They harnessed the magic of the natural world, performed rites and ceremonies, and other practices. They were called Sylvans, and their priests were called druids. To be able to identify whether someone followed the Sylvan beliefs, they would speak in Sulfair, the ancient language of the forest.   In the ages that followed, Dwarfs and men would follow the Sylvan beliefs. But when men began to expand, there was nowhere for them to go but west. So many of the Sylvans fled into the lands of Tuin, which few had explored or and many feared (many believing it was roamed by barbarians and beasts, or that it lead to the edge of the world). Some Sylvans, however, stayed in Esin Dirna, and continued practicing their religious beliefs, many isolating themselves from established society. Later, when men travelled through the lands of Tuin to the west coast, they found many more runestones that were made by the Sylvans. They have been named the Dunaddâad, meaning “Runecarver” in the Faenir language.   The Sylvans believe in many of the same deities associated with nature, but use different names, or are represented as something else. Yahnírr is known as Émvan, the All-Father, the ancient spirit that created all that exists. He created the five elements, who represent the five Makers. They are known as Ardt (Earth), Flímm (Fire), Úrin (Air), Amír (Water) and Súll (Life). The five elements were often represented by a star (or a pentacle), and it’s symbol was used for rituals, pendants, and so on. Zô and Munna are the sun and moon respectively. Wissanan is the mother of magic and knowledge. Sârri is the bringer of peace. Jôddanri is the deity of order and justice. Pôcron is the mighty hunter and lord of animals. Shafran is the deity of change, weather and seasons. Sylvans believe that the Faen came from the trees (descended from dryads), Dwarfs came from stone, and men came from the dust of the earth.

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