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Dragons live in the world of Avishraa - they fly in its skies, but also build cities upon its lands and sail its seas. For most, life is good enough when events do not conspire against them; but, as is our own world, Avishraa is no paradise. There is war, and disease, and famine... and hatred.   Among the most consistent targets of that hatred are those born with the innate ability to wield magic. These witches - or, as some call themselves, the Chosen - are capable of amazing, often terrifying feats, and in most communities are hounded out, enslaved, or killed. For countless cycles, they have been outcasts except in a few refuges. They have learned the meaning of hate, and have learned to hate in return.   As elements of the Chosen begin to unite under the teachings of a prophetic leader, different species come into ever-sharper conflict, and the techniques of enchanting seed the beginnings of a technological revolution across the continent of Sekhaa, Avishraa will soon be plunged into a new age - either of apocalyptic war or of new and unfathomed glories.