Jadeback Spider Species in Avendora | World Anvil

Jadeback Spider

Basic Information


These 14 legged spiders can be found on many planets with a high forest density and are considered an invasive species that is highly dangerous. Jadebacks get their names from the spot on their backs that resembles a jade rock, it’s bright and translucent attributes clearly marking it as dangerous and highly venomous. These forest spiders can jump great distances to their prey, to which they then latch onto with the two long, strong, frontal mandibles and sink their teeth in. They then inject their victim with their powerful anticoagulant venom, causing the unfortunate recipient to quickly pass out and die, allowing the spider to leisurely feed on the corpse. Even scarier, these bugs have no known natural predators and have been known attack and even hunt people, stalking them through the forest and dropping down on them in an instant.

Genetics and Reproduction

Jadbacks are not very communal, instead meeting up only to mate. When they do this, 5-10 eggs, which are carried by the female before hatching and being left to fend for themselves, are produced.

Ecology and Habitats

These spiders thrive in dense forest environments, but can survive in any place with reasonably spaced trees. They also prefer cooler, damper environments and do not love the heat. Because of this, they often hunt at night, though this is not always the case as they are not inherently nocturnal.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Their diet consists mainly of birds and other bugs found amounts the trees, but there have been an alarming number of instances where they have taken down full grown people and devoured them over the course of a few months.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Saurian Empire harvests these spiders to extract their venom, which they use to coat bullets, shrapnel and the like with for use in warfare. This is accomplished by inserting a needle at the edge of the jade spot in the spider’s back and drawing the dangerous green liquid out.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Jadebacks originate on Acadia, but have unfortunately spread across Avendora via trade ships exporting food and similar instances.
4-6 years
Conservation Status
Average Height
Average Weight
3-4 lbs
Average Length
22” (width from tips of legs)


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