Avatar world Players Timeline Timeline
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Players Timeline

A timeline describing the events that happened to the players.

  • 3440 A.A.B.

    7 /8 08:00
    3440 A.A.B.

    7 /8 10:00

    Disaster / Destruction

    The moment the players were shipwrecked.

  • 3440 A.A.B.

    7 /8 14:00
    3440 A.A.B.

    7 /8 15:00

    Fighting Pygmy Puma
    Military action

    When they fought pygmy puma in the pig trail

  • 3440 A.A.B.

    14 /8 9:00
    3440 A.A.B.

    14 /8 10:00

    Death of Agni
    Life, Death

    The death of Agni Vayu