Evil From the Sea Portcall Plot in Avaros | World Anvil
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Evil From the Sea Portcall

Table of Content

Lazy Dungeon Master


Strong Start

As people head to sea with their wishing boats in tow, standing in wait, the sky begins to brighten, just moments away from sunrise. There's an excitement and joy palbable in the air, little kids fidgeting, people whispering and quiet laughter.
Through the excited stillness of it all you notice a slight tremble of the ground. Sand shifting slightly, waves becoming more pronounced. Yuki, you recognize this tremble. You've felt it before, as you were heading to the city - but you had attributed it to a passing wagon.
There's no such thing here.
As the tremble persists, more and more people seem to notice. The excited hush shifts into an apprehensive one. People whisper in confusion, looking around, calling their children to themselves. Someone points out to water
Then the sea darkens and erupts, shipwrecks covered in tar like substance breaking through the waves and what you thought where just the shadows of a deep sea - are creatures, rising and crawling up the beach.

Roll initiative.

Potential Scenes

  • fight on the Docks.
    • big abberation breaking things (and people) by waltzing through - psbl immovable commoners in the way
    • Hefazat AoE psbl also hitting players
    • Spawnpunkt für Abberation (zerstörbar)

  • When sunlight hits, most creatures escape into the sea again, while burning, but some escape deeper into the city.
  • talk with the Imperial Guard, to investigate what had happened
  • talk with a fortune teller
  • talk with Laleh about Darin Greymane
  • talk with Craltath Ravoqrin

Yuki's Dream

You are standing on a sandy shore, the sound of waves crashing in the background. Over. And over again, waves crashing on the shore.
Trees rustle behind you, and the ground beneath your feet is warm.
It is high tide. The water is slowely coming closer, until it is gently lapping at your feet.
What do you do?
  • water blackening and rising as if it were a living being
  • a giant figure of flame
  • thick fog and smoke
  • a vulcano
  • black dragons, efreet
  • fire burning brightly, then consumed by blackness.
  • people of flame consumed by darkness

Essa's Dream

You are standing on soft ground, cool moss against your skin. The air filtering around you has a warm, green hue to it. The trees around you are giants, reaching towards the sky itself, of which you can barely see a sliver through the thick jungle canopy. Through the sound of birds and other animals, you hear the gentle chime of a bell.
What do you do?
  • seeing estarr (orcs, humans, yuan-ti)
  • statue of deities in a cirlce around an open space - one of them very similar to the statue they saw in the desert
  • sees a yuan-ti in robes presenting a sword
  • runes on the ground, glowing blue, looking strangely familiar - (they're Estarri, it looks similar to Dashtari)

Secrets & Clues

  1. the proprietor of The Scribe is part of the Children of the Deep (Mother Dread's cult)
  2. The Children of the Deep have found spells too big for them (or at least the local faction) and have set this to happen - its wonky though
  3. The CotD are hiding their 'lair' in some of the local smuggler caves
  4. the CotD are in conflict with the local smugglers
  5. the CotD are also having meetings in The Scribe
  6. A book on ancient history and spells went missing from one of the academics
  7. Darin Greymane is trying to get a ship from portcall. Preferably to Triham, but at this point, he is not picky, as he has the Hefazat breathing down his neck.
  8. Usually there is a few number of Hefazat in Portcall - just enough to show their presence and make sure to be able to react quickly if sth actively against the crown happens. In recent days their numbers have easily tripled.
  9. Portcall is on the verge of becoming an anti king powder keg. They've never been a fan, but the shipping issue has nerves on the brink of snapping
  10. There is very little shipping and seafaring going on, as the news of lost ships have started to become more frequent.
  11. Erid Zaheel, one of the foremost researchers into magical storms has gone missing.
  12. Prisoners send off to Wahah Bursaid have gone missing.
  13. SK is not a fan of Portcall - as they don’t really see themselves as part of the empire
  14. That’s why there’s no official arcane academy here and it’s forbidden to sell high level magical items
  15. There’s sweeps every few… months? Looking for items or trouble makers of the political kind / incendiaries
  16. rumour has it (and the king is allegedly also of that belief) that the night is red dawn would have been won if saboteurs from Portcall hadn’t interfered
  17. Master jao has more or less abandoned his students to work against MD, which he deems more important. Which, fair, it is, but could have been handled differently

Fantastic Locations

Blood Drop - Cave with narrow paths over a vast depth. There are traces of old dried blood and bones on outcroppings below.
Moonlight Terrace - a stoney, hidden terrace infusded by fey and wild magic, where sometimes ghostly flickers of events, past, present or future, are to be seen.
The Amber Hall- great amber wall in ruins, massive fires buring white, sizeable crest of jasper
The List - Next to one of the canals. Massive monument of ceramic with a long list of names, written in a strange script. Shows similarities to Dashtari, and some to Katorian (it is written in Eshtarri). These are names of people lost to the shift, that some unknown person commemorated centuries ago.
Storm Surges - sharp rocks and cliffs rising from the water like massive waves. many of them made out of aquamarine. low hanging mist always covering them.

Important NPCs

Captain Tassyl Deldrur - dwarf. Imperial Guard giving the task
Little Boy
Alexei Hedgeborn - half orc half goliath furtune teller
Craltath Ravoqrin - Priest of the First Flame

Fighting Commoners

Pirate First Mate

Imperial Guards

Pirate Deck Wizard
Lord's Alliance Spy
Sildar Hallwinter
Bandit Captain

Hefazat Squads

Heavy DMG: Drow Gunslinger
Leichte Einheit: Archer
Support: Quandrix Pledgemage Psbl Spells: Haste Bless Bane
Tank: Orc War Chief

Relevant Monsters

Neogi Hatchling
Core Spawn Crawlers
Flying Horror

(Magic Item) Rewards

  • 300 Gold for finding out who is behind this, 600 for dealing with them - and bringing proof.
  • good standing in Portcall & with the (local) Imperial Guard


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