Auser Auser Timeline- The Beginning of the Ausran Race Timeline
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Auser Timeline- The Beginning of the Ausran Race

From the recognized beginning of the modern Ausran race to the present day, many great happenings have taken place.

  • Circa 1200, or The Days of the First Clockmaker
    The Emergence of the Clock Tower

    "A deal was struck- an entire race, slaved, to an entity beyond their understanding, for the rest of their existence. Their children are many, but their environment hostile toward their being. This many will not all survive- only the strongest in heart, mind, and body will prevail over their siblings- but the ones that do shall be cursed with a life long enough to see the end of the stars." -The First Scripture (author unknown, but presumed to be the first Clockmaker himself)

    The Clocktower
    More reading
    Eskan Religion