Kama Species in Aurin | World Anvil



Written by FirethornDragon

The Kama jellyfish has gotten its name from the word Nama- which means colour. The word comes from the jahix language Tyiatin. The K in the jellyfish name comes from their word for jellyfish Kydjia. The Kama is a giant jellyfish that lives in The Mystical Sea and the The Cyies Ocean. You rarely see it in The Evgen Sea. The Kama can be up to 2 meters in diameter.       The Kama is a very colourful jellyfish there of its name Kama. Its body lights up in different colours depending on the jellyfish's mood. A red Karma means that it is angry. When the Kama is blue it means that it is calm. When it's white the Kama is dead. If you spot a green Kama, it does not view you as a treat. The yellow Kama means that it's injured.       The Kama's tentacles can sting you, but a sting will also paralyze you. That is how it protects itself from predators. The sting also helps them in gathering their food. They eat small fish, crustaceans and other small animals in the sea. The Kama is one of Aurin's oldest sea creatures. The reason it has lived for so long is because of its sting. There are not many animals that can kill the Kama. And people usually try to avoid the Kama. Only a few fools try to get close enough to studying it—usually healers.
50 years
Average Height
The Kama can be up to 2 meters in diameter.
Geographic Distribution
Species | Feb 4, 2023


Author's Notes

This article is for Bestiary February.

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