Burning of the plow Tradition / Ritual in Aurasong | World Anvil
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Burning of the plow

Every year in the early spring, human followers of Innos bring out a special plow that is bit larger than normal and place it on top of a large amount of gathered sticks and branches.   Then early in the morning just as the sun rises, a fire is started under the plow which will then burn all day till late into the night. During this event everyone in the town drinks, eats and dances together celebrating the new year and the harvest that it will bring.


This tradition was originally one of Adanos which differed in that instead of engulfing a plow in fire, a plow was covered in leaves and small bushes which had then wine poured over it. The rest of the event was basically the same.


The leaders of the local churches lead the event and start the fire. All other citizens of the community are invited to participate in the celebrations.


The event takes place in the early spring, there is no exact set date for it.
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