Supplier Rank/Title in Atocitera | World Anvil
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Supplier is a title earned by the Raiders who are singlehandeldy capable of fulfilling majority of commissions from a specific Refiner.
Holders of this title are expected to fulfill both commissions for their Atocite as given by Planners, and commissions for the supplied Refiner. This Results in double the expected work. Commission from the Planners is always top priority, so the Refiners commissions are always reviewed by Planners. This review serves as means to ensure they are possible with resources available in the next area and that they are for the good of people and not selfish goals.  

Way to earn

As long as the Raider is capable of handling above 90% of the Refiner's commissions without losing fulfillment on commissions from Planners, they are automatically and officially considered a Supplier.
Some Refiners refer to their Raiders as their suppliers even before it is official. This way the partnership is known and other Raiders can choose to fight for the commissions or leave them to the Raider chosen by the Refiner. This unofficial partnership does not grant any benefits or responsibilities.  

All the younglings are dreaming of becoming suppliers for the famous and renowned craftsmen? He he, they would be surprised that the highest worth is given to those who are making sure we have our own stable food production.
Benefits and responsibilities

The worth of the title depends on the worth of the Refiner who is supplied. A less impactful or renowned Refiner usually has much lower demands, but also less worth for the island and therefore grants less worth to the Raider. On the contrary, a highly renowned Refiner with high-quality creations often has many Raiders fighting for the title of their Supplier. The title of Supplier is one of many ways to measure the Raider's worth for the island. Raider's worth, in the end, grants the Raider various privileged access to limited resources needed for their growth.
  Refiners who have their own Suppliers can rely on a steady income of materials as long as their demands are reasonable.
Refiners with such a steady supply are however expected to use it well for the well-being of the Atocite and others.   When the value of Refiner is high enough, the Planners might consider the steady supply high enough priority. The supplying Raider is then facing fewer expectations in terms of commission from the Planners.  


The Supplier title started as unofficial partnerships between Raiders and Refiners, most often among family members.
Later when the Raider's worth started being measured, this partnership became one of the various ways for its measurement. In the early concepts, the title of Supplier was tied to the number of jobs the Refiner could do with materials supplied by the Raider.
The current concept is the result of the realization that people need to go for as much quality as possible, instead of quantity.
Based on supplied Refiner
By completing at least 90% of Refiner's commissions.
Increased the Raider's worth proportionally to the worth of the supplied Refiner.
In some cases lower expectations for the fulfillment of Atocite's commissions.


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