
The Harionak are a culture of a mixed tribe of Goblins, Hobgoblins, Humans and Gnolls originating from the mainland to the south of Boriken.  They are united through their worship of the K'Thonim entity known as "The Sage" which they worship and communicate with through proxies such as Dark Witches and artifacts that survived the The Great Darkening. In the last few decades, responding to some unknown source of pressure in the mainland to the south, the Harionak have been vigorously moving into the islands chains to the south and east of Boriken. The Harionak are aggressive, sending out war parties in large ocean going canoes to harass other more peaceful native tribes. They have been taking over the islands and putting extreme pressure on the Taino, but have largely been stopped in the area around Boriken thanks to combined Castillian and Taino efforts. The Harionak are notorious cannibals, slavers and K'thonim worshipers. Their pattern is to raid new islands and wear them down, taking people as slaves and for the pantry until the island is vulnerable to take over. Then they take a village, move in, keeping those that can work, and culling the rest. Their warriors are experienced and backed by their mages in combat. They make formidable raiding parties and have been known to take the occasional European sailing ship. They relentlessly seek out items of power from K'Thonim ruins in areas that they have not yet explored, and prefer to camp near them where possible. They worship the K'Thonim as gods, reinforcing this worship with the blood magic mentioned above.
Currently, the Harionak are making long distance raids on the islands to the east of Boriken. This is about 16-24 hours sail from their home islands.   Raiders travel in 2 or more outrigger canoes, with 5 or more in each canoe. Raiding parties will have between 10 and 25 warriors and mages in them. The canoes themselves can usually hold more people or goods, and move at about 5 knots on average, faster in the right conditions with fresh paddlers.
"The hardest part about coming to the rescue of that village isn't that we were late, the raiders had already left. It wasn't the women and children that fled into the night to come back to a wrecked life. No...
The hardest part was they when we got there, there hadn't been time to clean up. We didn't have to, there were no bodies to burn or bury.
There just weren't any bodies to handle."   ~ Anonymous rescuer to the village of Anatoto

Cover image: Ships Landing by Starlocke


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