Evalyse Organization in Athóriel | World Anvil
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"By the Lady and the Sacred Isle, I sweareth I shall plant the seeds of chivalry in these depraved lands." - First King Athloreon di Evalyse


Evalyse is a now splintered coastal kingdom found alongside a gulf in southern Caelyr otherwise known as the Aurmedian Sea. The sea is sometimes referred to as the "Sea of Princes" for the various Princes of Evalyse that rule its coastal dominions. There are four princedoms in total, each vying for power and the right to attain the throne. Characterized by tall, white stone cliffs, pearlescent waters and varying climates, Evalyse sees a large amount of activity, from trade via the Black Sands Trading Company to outright war between the four princedoms along its coast.   The kingdom was shattered some 300 years ago when the sacred isle of Devenir was suddenly shrouded in mist. The royal family disappeared and the mist surrounding the isle befuddles all attempts to reach it. Since then, the princes of Evalyse have fought amongst each other and no clear victor has arisen to re-forge Evalyse.   Evalyse is known for its knightly traditions and chivalry, its vineyards and the wine they produce, and for the elusive Crimson Whale which can only be found dwelling in the Aurmedian Sea. The knightly orders all trace their roots back to the Knights Ardent, which served the original kings of Evalyse shortly after its founding, while the wine found in Evalyse is said to be amongst the finest in all Athóriel. Finally, the Crimson Whales hunted in Evalysian waters produce a rare, magical catalyst via the oil found in their head cavities, which is an expensive component purchased by scholars and magicians worldwide.  

Religion in Evalyse

The varying princedoms of Evalyse may tend toward a specific god or other, though most faiths are tolerated to a degree in Evalyse, save for open worship of destructive gods such as Ryne. However, two faiths permeate most facets of Evalysian life the most: The Lady of the Lake, patron of Evalyse and mother of the knightly oath, and Luceria, Keeper of Oaths .   Luceria's influence over oaths has given rise to her popularity in Evalyse's heavily honor-based society. This, in turn, has made way for a focus on contracts, debts, and bonds, giving rise to major banks and organizations such as the Black Sands Trading Company.   In large part due to the honor placed upon the sword, the Lady of the Lake's symbol in Evalyse, those not of noble birth or who have not sworn a knightly oath are forbidden to wield or wear a sword. Commoners found with a sword at their hip are penalized, though the exact nature of their punishment may vary from princedom to princedom. Similarly, the chivalric code of honor is very important in Evalysian culture.  

Evalysian Chivalry

Though the varying knightly orders of Evalyse may swear their own oaths, they all share certain chivalric virtues in common. These virtues are held in high regard in Evalyse and all men are expected to do their best to live up to them. Knights, especially, are expected to remain pure and devoted to the code. The seven virtues they espouse are as follows:
  • Valor: courage and the willingness to act.
  • Loyalty: to one's sovereign, country, order, and (depending on the order) the god(s).
  • Truth: honesty and integrity.
  • Justice: morality and righteousness.
  • Benevolence: generosity and compassion.
  • Temperance: self-control and discipline.
  • Nobility: upholding courtesy and conduct, especially toward women and one's place in life or society.

Other Gods

While The Lady of the Lake and Luceria are the most important figures, certain princedoms do favor specific gods and goddesses.   Lysereaux is a militaristic state, sharing borders with hostile nations, and tends to place a greater focus on Sigurd for his military prowess and knowledge.   Due to recent events, Sommergarde recently annexed the princedom once known as Valeon and has inherited some of its cultural biases. As such, while Sommergarde has a heavy emphasis on trade and creation, favoring Sidyrion, worship of Ethios is quite popular in the urban locales of the eastern duchies.  



Hereditary Monarchy


A Longsword Within a Tree

Arx Magna Veterus, Devenir

Articles under Evalyse