Dragonborn Ethnicity in Atahala | World Anvil
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While the aarakocra might consider the dragonborn to be rivals of a sort, being a similarly ancient empire with an impressive pedigree, the rivalry remains purely one-sided. The dragonborn spend their days in majestic temple-cities all constructed for a singular purpose: finding the mythical Primordial Dragon in the stars, and regaining their true forms. This myth is the basis upon which dragonborn society is based: that some time, long in the distant past, the dragonborn were cursed by the Primordial Dragon for their extreme arrogance to never be able to take to the skies again. In envy did the dragonborn look at their winged brethren, an envy that turned to anger, and an anger that turned to resignation. A deep lethargy engulfed the dragonborn, so deep that it threatened to destroy their race, until from amongst their ranks, a mystic by the name of Macuan emerged with a new message: if the dragonborn were to truly humble themselves and seek out the Primordial Dragon for forgiveness, they would be able to regain their grand forms of old.   This message spread like wildfire among the demoralised dragonborn, who began to reorganise themselves into scholarly quasi-mystical orders, each of which established a temple-city to unravel the secrets of the stars. Chief among these is Kor Talas, known as the city of a thousand spires, which has produced the most talented star-gazers in dragonborn history. This drive to regain their wings has given the dragonborn intense focus, unparalleled knowledge of the stars, and a reputation that has spread beyond even the isolation of the Mother Mountains, no doubt facilitated by gregarious satyr traders. As a result, the most learned of Guayal’s peoples often undertake journeys to learn at the feet of the dragonborn masters. It is rumoured that Macuan himself still lives in a solitary spire deep in the heart of the Angol forest. This is not to say that the dragonborn are dour or reserved - they are generally welcoming people, but hold a particular soft spot for their satyr neighbours and their potent alcohols.   The dragonborn are unique in that they venerate idealised forms of themselves - dragons proper. They pay great respect to dragons, bordering on servile reverence in their attempts to remain humble. In contrast, their relationship with the Primordial Dragon, ostensibly their chief deity, is a strange mixture of love and fear: a kind of familial love befitting one said to be the origin of their species, tempered with a deep-seated fear of further reprisals and punishments. Dragonborn who die are considered to have passed before their time, having never seen the day that their wings are returned to them. Reflecting this belief, the dragonborn have developed a peculiar magic that freezes the dead in stasis, preserving them until the fated day comes.   Dragonborn speak either High or Low Draconic depending on their social status. Those who dwell in the temple-cities speak High Draconic, while those who do not speak Low Draconic.

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