Atavaria Stratos Character in Astur | World Anvil
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Atavaria Stratos

Empress Atavaria Cassandra Stratos (a.k.a. The Ashen Blade)

Atavaria Stratos is the eldest surviving child of the Trimaran Emperor, and thus, is the most likely candidate to succeed him. She is a capable general, and for the past ten years and has commanded legions against the Jawharans and neighboring kingdoms. Some say that she is more soldier than statesman as is evident by her lack of diplomatic guile, but her prowess on the field and off has earned her the admiration of the people and fear from her enemies.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Despite her approach to middle age, for a human, she is in peak physical condition, and in many ways she can outperform many of her younger peers.  Her training regimen is thorough, and she refuses to let her body fail on her.

Body Features

She is tall for a human woman, standing at 6'2", and her strength is evident in her physique. She is considered quite beautiful, even by those her critique her for her size.

Identifying Characteristics

Her body has become fairly scarred over the years, though mostly her marks are covered up by either armor or formal court dress.  Her unusual, ashen hair color also stands out in a crowd.

Specialized Equipment

Though her specialities is battlefield tactics and martial combat, she does carry a few charged magical items to use in case of emergencies.  In addition, her armor is engraved with special runes to increase its efficacy.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

She identifies as female, and she works hard to ensure that women in the empire are respected as much as men.  To that end, her elite guard are comprised mostly of women.


She received the highest quality of education that any high ranking imperial could get.  She was taught by the finest tutors and studied at the Central Trimaran Academy before attending the Imperial College of War.  It was at the college where she found her true calling.  While not a poor student, her aptitude for tactics and strategy were unparalleled amongst her classmates, and she set a new academic record for the institution.  She graduated with full honors and an officers commission and she quickly rose through the ranks.  Some speculate that her imperial lineage helped her rise more quickly, and that may be true to some extent, but no one can argue with the results she achieves on the battlefield.


Being a high born princess, she never had any traditional employment other than those tasks used to groom her for command.  She shadowed her mother and father, learned the intricacies of imperial management, and worked at a young age as a representative in the Imperial Senate.

Mental Trauma

Her childhood was fairly stable, for a princess, and there are not many moments that could be considered unduly traumatic; however, that changed when the Jawharan Wars broke out.  Her father was grievously injured in the northern campaigns and people were unsure if he would survive; Atavaria had her own brush with death when she took a sword through the gut and spear through the leg.  Had her personal guard not been on hand, she would have perished.  In addition, if not for her leadership and quick thinking, her legions would have been lost as well. However, the crown jewel of tragedy was when her older brother was killed in the defense of Trismegistus, thus throwing a potential succession crisis on top of the whole scenario.

Intellectual Characteristics

She has a quick and observant mind.  She does not have much guile, but she is able to ferret out a liar like no other.  While she does not have the academic capability of an archmage, she is able to see connections and use all available information to assess her situation and either extricate herself or turn it to her advantage.


Family Ties

The Stratos family claims to go back to the old Asturian Empire as the Strati were the original governors of the Trimaran province.  Atavaria's grandfather married a woman from the Miletus family, who's father was a prominent senator, and since then, the Miletus family has risen further in power and even has a claim to the throne.  This claim has caused some recent tensions, especially since Kuveria Miletus has mauevered her way into the Chancellor's seat.

Religious Views

She pays homage to the principal gods of the empire, but, in her private quarters, she has a special shrine to Kord, god of battle. She always makes sure to give an offering to him before any engagement, whether it is on or off the battlefield.

Social Aptitude

She has been brushing up on her courtly manners and graces, but that has not always been her strong suit.  Her training ground bellow and pre-battle harangue are well practiced, and some say that her voice can be heard across the city when she reaches her peak.  Even though she is not the best diplomat, she exudes an experts confidence in her field, and she is not above asking another for advice if she feels she needs it.


She has a lovely contralto voice, but it is somewhat belied by the gruff tone she takes with most people she works with. Being a woman who rose through the officers' ranks, a soldier's slang and vulgarities are peppered into her royal speech and accent.

Wealth & Financial state

Being a member of the royal family has made her wealthy, but those funds are shared by the entire family.  However, due to her military career, she has amassed a sizable fortune that only she can call on.
Lawful neutral
Current Status
Cementing her rule as Empress
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
She has been awarded the following titles:
  • Crown princess of the Trimaran Empire
  • Strategos of the imperial legions
  • Heir apparent
Date of Birth
23rd of Otturan, 815 AE
Current Residence
Imperial palace in the capital
Long ashen colored hair. Usually braided and pinned up.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair skinned
She vascillates between Helm and Kord
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
She understand common, elven, dwarfish, and undercommon.   She made it a point to learn as many languages on the main languages on the continent as she could.  She is currently working on her orcish since there are several neighboring tribes of orcs in the area.  The plan is to impress them with a show of military strength and then sweet talk them into cooperation in their own language.
Ruled Locations


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