Locun Shash Commune Ethnicity in Astronasia | World Anvil
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Locun Shash Commune

"We shall do this together, brothers!"

The commune of Locun Shash is a small ancestral hall of dwarves who have separated themselves from the rest of dwarven society after being abandoned by them. After their abandonment they have learned to depend on each other and as such they founded their society on the ideals community and working together. In the Locun Shash Commune all property is shared amongst the dwarves, with everyone gathers, produces, and builds to their own capabilities. Nearby kings are willing to let Locun Shash be as they don't really spread their way of thinking to others and the land they own is generally worthless.


In the year 1338 AD a group of dwarven miners got lost deep under ground after a cave in closed of the main entrance. At first the foreman wanted to man a expedition to save his workers from their stone prison, but he quickly discovered that they were stuck inside of an active volcano and as such he declared them dead. Unknown to him the dwarves were very much alive and they would survive. At first survival was hard as the miners had to adapt to their new world, and many of them would die from the perils of the underground world. Slowly but surely they learned to work together and share the burden of survival with each other and over the generations they began the enjoy a more luxurious lifestyle. More than century later in the year 1464 the descendants of the original dwarven miners would dig their way up to the surface, and end up in a lake surrounded by large cliffs and waterfalls. Here they founded the new ancestral hall of Locun Shash.


Shared customary codes and values

The people of Locun Shash believe in direct actions. They believe it is a waste of time to first ask for approval for their actions as time is everything in the heat of the moment. This has lead to the Locun Shashians being very independent but sometimes also a tiny bit violent when dealing with others.

Common Dress code

Clothes in Locun Shash are often kept in the family for many generations as finding any sturdy fabric underground was a near impossible task. Any tears inside of the fabric are patched up with gold-Lamé made from the gold found beneath the volcano. This gold often gives people the illusion that the people of Locun Shash are richer than they actually are.

Funerary and Memorial customs

When someone dies in Locun Shash they are brought to the mortuary. Here their belongings are taken from their body and redistributed to the community. The naked body is then carried on a slab of stone and ceremonially lowered into a pool of lava.

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