Organic Starcraft Species in Astraeus Zephyrus | World Anvil

Organic Starcraft

"What's that?" Jacklyn said as she peered though her divination orb, what looked to be an organic star moved across the field of the divination orb. "Magi Sunya come here I think i've found something that the Magus Order might want to know about!"
The Quetzl Sseth'kal that was expecting the stars with another divination orb turned at her name being called, "What is it, Jacklyn?" Sunya drifted her way over with a quick serpentine slither in the air, "What is this thing in your orb?"
"I don't know its too far to make out any features, but I think its moving?" Jacklyn paused observing the orb closer, "I think its moving by itself? Let's show this to the Magus Order, they'll know what it is." Jacklyn and Sunya slithered from the Highfeather Citadel's massive observatory and into the Magus Order's chamber.
— The first sighting of an Organic Starcraft from Tor'khan
The Organic Starcrafts are the only way for the Sapient Species to travel in the Astraeus Zephyrus galaxy, working with the Species in a mutual partnership. The Organic Starcrafts transport the Species and protect them from the vaccum of the galaxy, while the Crew keeps them functional, while defending the Organic Starcraft from others that wish ill will upon them.

Basic Information


The look of each class of Organic Starcraft varies, some look like massive celestial scorpions while others are eels with meteors entoue. The classes of the known Organic Starcraft Classifications are: Arachnida Class, Anguilla Class, Cephalodis Class, Paracrypto Class, and the Anthrozoa Class.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Organic Starcrafts can reproduce asexually if they do not find a mate within the fertile period, or switch to a less dominate gender if there is a more dominant gender.
If they find a mate, this process usually happens around one to two centuries of the Oraganic Starcraft being born, gestation takes six to thirteen months before the babies are born. Some Organic Starcraft can have up to one to twelve children, with an average of five or six. Where upon giving birth to the young, the parent/parents leave, allowing the young to fend for themselves in the vast space.

Growth Rate & Stages

Organic Starcrafts grow at an extraordinarly fast rate, reaching maturity within a month of being born.
They on average die by the age of four to five centuries of being born. It is a beautiful occasion when this does happen because if the Starcraft did not mate within the time they were alive, they give birth to an egg. This egg is unlike any of the other offspring as it carries the memories of the deceased inside it, recognizing the pilot upon sight, if there was one, and even recalling a favorite food they enjoyed.

Ecology and Habitats

The Organic Starcrafts live in the vaccum of space. This gives them a source of food and a place for them to sleep. Each Class has its most optimal part of space where they chose to be more, but more information on that in a later article.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Organic Starcraft vary from Class to Class for what they prefer to eat and which part of the galaxy they prefer. The Arachnida Class will eat each other to be the most victorious, where the Cephalodis and Paracrypto Class' will eat either cosmic plants or even Astral Shrimp.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Varies with Clasification.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Organic Starcrafts view the environment as just one large void they live in, feeding on the asteroids that might carry food on them, or even on each other. They communicate with the crew and captain of the ship via a Telepathy, this makes the Yaanae the most sought out for their piloting skills, since that's the only way they can communicate with other species.
This allows the pilot to not only feel the Starcraft's emotions but also their intentions as well.  
"Alright little guy, let's get off this hunk of rock. I'm tired of seeing the serpentine eyes and thinking that I'm dinner. You ready?" Pilot Ceris transfered her thoughts to the young Paracrypto Class Organic Starcraft as she gently rubbed the inside of it with her hand. It replied with a childish, "Yes" and flapped its flippers, taking off. Ceris saw the craft passed by a herd of small Astral shrimp, licking its beak in excitement. A low grumble echoed throughout the Starcraft, a sign of hunger.
"Don't do this little guy, come on we need to be getting out of this sector. Come on, why don't you listen. Ugh, fine go eat the damn shrimp." Ceris psychically huffed and crossed her arms at the disobedient Starcraft, but couldn't help but smile as it ate the shrimp.
— A misunderstanding between Organic Starcraft and Pilot Ceris

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Organic Starcraft come with their own names, as they themselves are an intelligent species. But most Organic Starcraft names are often unprouncable and so the Captain often comes up with a name that summarizes the Starcraft's personality.
Names like: Jester, Trixy, Sideswipe, Ironshell, Ink Cloud, Ghost, Moray, Juggernaut, etc. Are not uncommon names for an Organic Starcraft's name.


You want to know when the Organic Starcraft came to be? Well it's quite simple. We have no idea, we felt a psychic pull to a mountain on our world and it turned out to be one of the Organic Starcraft, a Paracrypto Class if I'm not mistaken.
Through further communication with the Starcraft, we learned that it was born and lived in our quadrant of the Astraeus Zephyrus galaxy. It was a major explosion in the scientific community, to be able to traverse the stars above us? It was unheard of until the Starcraft awoke and allowed us to work out a deal with it.
The name of the Starcraft is escaping me right now but if you ask one of the older ones, they might know of it. I remember that day like it was yesterday, when my mother came to me and told me of the Organic Starcraft discovery. I was only a little one at the time but I remember wanting to be the first ones aboard it. Ah such wonderful memories.
— Yannae Pilot Ceris
4-6 centuries.
Average Height
Varies with Classification.
Average Weight
Varies with Classification.
Average Length
Varies with Classification.


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