Archon of The Elemental Court Rank/Title in Astraeus Zephyrus | World Anvil

Archon of The Elemental Court

The Archon of the Elemental Court is a title that only the worthiest earn. The seven Sseth'kal that inhabit those seats made sacrifices that most of the Sseth'kal wouldn't This title holds a lot of responsibilty, think of it like a war council that the Scaled Queen isn't apart of for the better.
  If a Sseth'kal is capable of using the Venom for Venomous Sorccery then they will be trained into the Shamans. Each of the Clutches have the people that they teach the young Shaman on how to use the Venomous Sorccery, and as their teaching progresses they go through a multitude of tasks that the Grand Shamans give them, before they are eligible to become Archons of the Elemental Court.

How are the Archons of The Elemental Court elected

  There are only seven with this rank and in the incident of a Archon of the Elemental Court perishing, each one of the Clutches contributes five Grand Shamans to be judge. Once the judging begins, this is when the Archons of the Elemental Court will ask for each of the Grand Shamans to battle in the battle royal, where they will fight until there is only one.
  Once the only one that survived the battle royale, the Grand Shamans of the Elemental Court will give them the rank and dub them as one of their own. The newly elected Archon of the Elemental Court will be the pinnacle of that Element.

Special Circumstance for the current Archon of the Psyche Element

  There has only been one exception to this choosing and that is for Archon Sah'ramin of the Psyche Element, where her brother and former Archon of the Psyche Element, Se'heal, fell due to the Hollowing. Instead of using the method of selection that the Court came up with, they instead appointed her Archon of The Psyche Element.
Magical, Honorific
Form of Address
Archon of the (Element name) Element
Alternative Naming
Prime Shamans, High Magi
Length of Term
Until Death


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