Ancient 1st Millennium Gun Item in Astraesto | World Anvil
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Ancient 1st Millennium Gun

An ancient relic of a bygone age

"How old is that thing?"   "At least 4500 years old, still a beauty though."   "You can say that again."
A F14 Assault Rifle, known today as the Ancient 1st Millennium Gun is the only remaining gun that was manufactured by The Colony of Man, and is one of the oldest guns manufactured in the entire history of the Galaxy of Astraesto. It is currently in the possession of Empress Freya Victer of the 4th Empire of Jerace, where it currently resides in The Imperial Palace in Moneyye  The gun was originally kept as a piece of memorabilia by Colony of Man politician Sanon Huer. The gun was passed down through his family, until the 1st Empire of Jerace destroyed the Colony of Man. The gun was then kept as a trophy by a Jeraci Navy Admiral. He eventually offered the gun as a gift to the Emperor of Jerace who accepted it graciously, and hung it on his palace walls. The gun has since passed down the Jeraci line of succession, being kept hidden during the periods between Empires, until the current owner, Empress Freya, received it after the death of her father.


The last (non replica) 1st millennium gun manufactured by The Colony of Man.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Current Location
Current Holder
Related ethnicities
Owning Organization
Only one exists


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