Lycanthropy Condition in Astoria | World Anvil
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Lycanthropy is a supernatural curse that transforms humanoids into werewolves who shapeshift on the full moon.

Transmission & Vectors

Lycanthropy is transmitted through the blood, typically through a scratch or bite by an infected host. The virus lays dormant in the infected host until the full moon, at which point the disease is permanent and incurable.


Lycanthropy manifests during the full moon, forcing a physical transformation into a werewolf. The change involves bones shifting, growing fur, sharpened teeth and nails, and the distention of the spine into a tail. Werewolves on the full moon are creatures controlled by feral instincts and lose their higher reasoning.   Symptoms on the days and hours before the full moon include photosensitivity, aching joints and teeth, and a persistent itch. Smells and tastes become strong, often overwhelming, and there is a significant increase in appetite. Many afflicted individuals also describe emotional symptoms of volatile mood swings, wanderlust, or increased protectiveness towards family and friends.   After their first transformation, a werewolf may be able to control their subsequent transformations. They still have all the symptoms associated with the full moon, but may induce the transformation voluntarily and maintain bodily autonomy on all other days.


Individuals who have contracted lycanthropy but have no yet turned can be cured through divine cleansing or certain elaborate druidic rituals. Cure by divine intervention are subject to the whims of the chosen deity, whereas druidic rituals may require rare components. However, both have had success with a number of cases.

Affected Groups

Any mortal humanoid can be infected by lycanthropy; however, some races are more prone to be infected. Humans are extremely susceptible to infection. Dwarves are typically more robust and can fight off the initial infection. Elves have a natural resistance to such curses, though are still susceptible. Gnomes can be carriers, but are immune.


Anyone who is bold enough to come into conflict with a werewolf should wear thick garments or armor that protects the skin. Silver is a known repellent of werewolves and wearing such a charm is also thought to decrease the chances of contracting lycanthropy. In the past, people who feared lycanthropy ingested a diluted solution of wolfsbane, but many died due to the herb's toxic properties. Additionally, spells which protect against magical diseases also prevent contracting lycanthropy.


There have been no known public outbreaks of lycanthropy. The curse is carefully controlled by the Watchwolf Pack, who only deliberately spread lycanthropy to sworn members. In Sylvanmere, it is considered illegal to have lycanthropy if you are not a Watchwolf. Infected individuals are often exiled to the Feywild to prevent them from further spreading the curse.


Lycanthropy came into awareness about two centuries ago, though Patient Zero is known only by a select few individuals and their identity as well as the initial cause of the curse is considered a carefully guarded secret.

Cultural Reception

In Sylvanmere, werewolves are authority figures and are mostly treated with admiration and respect. Often, Watchwolves in Everton will be given free meals to show appreciation for their lifetime of service.   In other kingdoms, however, werewolves are seen as discriminatory thugs at best and bloodthirsty monsters at worse. Most places outside of Sylvanmere consider killing a werewolf to be a noble act as opposed to murder.
Chronic, Acquired & Congenital
Extremely Rare


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