Tantemtalem Character in Astor-Banthum | World Anvil
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Main protagonist

Created by me

Tantemtalem Histerian (a.k.a. Catshock/Cat)

A girl stands alone on the edge of the sand dune, looking out over the endless plains of desert below. Her mouth curls into a faint smile and she runs a hand through her spiky, black hair absently. Her name is Tantemtalem, and though she does not realize it, she is the only one who can save her world from total destruction.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tantemtalem is a fairly tall, agile girl with lightly tanned skin and thin figure.

Body Features

Her skin is a light brown color that is slightly tanned at the base of her neck from sun exposure. She is fairly tall with a slim figure and her legs are longer than normal.

Facial Features

She has a heart-shaped face, a small nose, pointy ears, a cat-like mouth, and large eyes set deep into her face. Tantemtalem has spiky, short, raven black hair.

Identifying Characteristics

A long scar across the back of her right hand that is strangely tinted green.

Physical quirks

Ambidextrous, walks with a very small limp. Her left foot is a little bit smaller than her right.

Special abilities

She has the advanced power of simple healing and can enter the world of the Bridge, which is the world where people cross over the "bridge" between the land of the living and the land of the dead. This way, she can try to save someone's life after they've already fallen into a death-like state. However, she becomes very sick and feverish after using her power and can't use it for another three days.

Apparel & Accessories

She wears a four-piece set of armor that includes a steel breastplate with the Citadel emblem on it, a pair of sturdy, armored boots, combat leggings, gauntlets, and a red, camouflage hood. Her outfit when she was a slave under the Black Knight was a long, cotton robe that went down to her knees and was tied at the waist with a rope. She wore a bandanna around her forehead to keep the sun out of her eyes and wooden sandals. When she was a guard for the Battlemaster Empire she wore a full set of silver armor with the Battlemaster emblem on it and a leather thermo-suit underneath.

Specialized Equipment

Tantemtalem wields a simple, but detailed rapier that she made by hand. Her armor set is forged out of hot metal and reinforced by a thin layer of chain mail.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tantemtalem's parents were a fighter and a medic on the Citradarian side of the war.
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They died when she was very young during the Attack, and when the Battlemasters stormed the Old Citadel, she was captured by a raiding party and brought to the Castle, which was basically Battlemaster HQ.
The Black Knight, the leader of the Battlemasters, saw great potential in her as she grew up in the Castle (as a servant) and gifted her with minor powers. But when she was around 8, Tantemtalem failed to deter a party of rebels who were attacking the Castle and freeing prisoners. The Snake, angry at her failure, wiped her memory of all past events. He banished the now memory-less girl to the desert, where he assigned her to one of the search caravans that was combing through the desert in search of the retreating Citradarians and their base, the Citadel. Tantemtalem befriended Artemis, a young girl like her, and they became very close-almost like sisters. But then one day, while out searching, she accidentally rediscovered her powers, which caused upset and riot in the party. Tantemtalem, confused and angry, ran away from the caravan, but not before seeing Artemis being dragged away to face punishment by the Battlemaster. After some searching through the desert, Tantemtalem came upon the Citadel, where she was greeted by Meew, one of the apprentices. Meew realized who Tantemtalem was and quickly invited her inside. She introduced Tantemtalem to Tanoa, the leader of the Citraidarian Empire and the one who had prophecized the coming of a hero (or in this case, heroine). Tanoa showed Tantemtalem the prophecy and introduced her to Ra, a priestess-in-training and combat assistant at the Citadel. Tantemtalem remembered Artemis and warned Tanoa about the Battlemaster party that was close by. Tanoa thanked her and sent out an army to capture them before they could tell the Black Knight about their location. The army captured the party and brought them to the Citadel, where Tantemtalem awaited Artemis' arrival. But as the Battlemaster was carried in, he gleefully told her that Artemis was no longer with them and was being held at the Castle on the island of Arca. Tantemtalem was so angry that she attacked the Battlemaster and had to be pulled away and led to her room. Several days later, after some debating, Tantemtalem decided to run away from the Citadel (again!) and make her way across Astor-Banthum to rescue Artemis. In the middle of the night, she leapt out a window with a bundle of supplies and food, grabbed her horse, and took flight. But her friends, Ra, Meew, Xeni/Azpe (twins), and Ulita (a mysterious girl who arrived at the Citadel not long after Tantemtalem), caught her in the act and went after her, pleading to join her on her journey. Tantemtalem refused at first, saying that it was most likely a suicide mission and that they should go back to the Citadel, but her friends persisted and she finally gave in. The rest is part of the plot and will not be revealed here.


Tantemtalem identifies at straight.


Tantemtalem recieved personal tutoring on the subjects of math, Battlemaster history, magic, and basic manners from the Black Knight personally until age 6, then around age 13 did three years of combat training at the Citadel.


She works as a combat assistant and is a student at CTAAC (The Citraidarian Training Academy in the Art of Combat).

Accomplishments & Achievements

She is the main protagonist of "The Citadel" and the Prophecized One who is destined to overcome the evil rule of the Battlemaster Empire.

Mental Trauma

She tends to be somewhat guillable and underestimates herself. Tantemtalem can be a bit sore when talking about her past life as a slave under the Black Knight as it holds many bad memories for her. She often has nightmares where the Black Knight is stalking her and whispering evil things in her ear.

Intellectual Characteristics

Tantemtalem is a peppy, friendly spirit who can be a little too trusting at times, but always pulls through. She is energetic and cheerful at most times. Feels guilty about everything she does wrong. When she's angry, she doesn't stay angry for very long but during that time, she's terrifying to be around.

Morality & Philosophy

She is a chaotic free spirit, though a somewhat guilty one. She follows basic rules of philosophy and morality but doesn't follow any specific code.

Personality Characteristics


She wants to rescue her best friend, Artemis, who has been captured and held at the Castle by the Black Knight.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

She is talented at using her powers and has built in survival skills.

Likes & Dislikes

Tantemtalem likes being in control of herself, open spaces, and her friends. She dislikes enclosed spaces, rats, and being betrayed.

Virtues & Personality perks

Tantemtalem is friendly and cheerful at most times. She makes friends easily and has a natural, leader-like persona though she does get a ittle nervous while under pressure. She has a great memory up until when the Black Knight "erased" it and can remember everything up to that moment fairly well.

Vices & Personality flaws

She can be easily irked by other people and doesn't like being ignored or insulted. She tends to panic when under extreme pressure, though with her friends by her side she soon recovers.

Personality Quirks

Tantemtalem's right hand shakes vigerously when she's nervous. She tries to cover up this tic and is ashamed of it.


Tantemtalem is fairly hygenic, though she didn't get many oppurtunities to clean herself when she was a Battlemaster slave.


Contacts & Relations

Friends-Meew, Ulita, Ra (formerly), and others Love Interest-Ragsnik Enemies-The Black Knight, the Shadow, and others

Family Ties

She had a younger brother who died of protosis when she was six.
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She never knew him, though when she arrives at the Hermit's Tower, the Hermit tells her that he took in her brother and tutored him for a year before the illness overtook him.

Religious Views

Tantemtalem doesn't hold any special religious views.

Social Aptitude

Tantemtalem seems to have refined manners, though she does lose them when she's extremely hungry, as shown in the Upside Down Castle.


She tends to wave her hands a little while speaking.

Hobbies & Pets

Tantemtalem likes practicing her rapier skills.


She doesn't believe in profane language. Tantemtalem has a fairly normal sounding voice with a slight, Battlemaster-like accent from her many years as a slave to the Black Knight.



Love Interest (Vital)

Towards Tantemtalem




Love Interest (Important)

Towards Ragsnik



Nicknames & Petnames

Ragsnik sometimes calls Tantemtalem "Cat" or "Kitty".

Commonalities & Shared Interests

They both love boats (and unfortunately both get seasick easily) and they're usually easygoing.

Shared Acquaintances

They share the same group of friends.

Legal Status

Not married


Former Friend (Trivial)

Towards Tantemtalem




Former Friend (Important)

Towards Rᴂlin




Tantemtalem met Ra at the Citadel where Ra was training to be a priestess. They became good friends and made a blood pact together alongside Meew.

Nicknames & Petnames

Ra, like several others, often calls Tantemtalem "Cat" or "Kitty".

Shared Secrets

They share a blood pact together.

Shared Acquaintances

They have the same basic friend group.

Legal Status

No special legal status


Friend (Vital)

Towards Tantemtalem




Friend (Vital)

Towards Meeiuwaan



Nicknames & Petnames

Tantemtalem - Kitty, Cat Meeiuwaan - No nicknames

Commonalities & Shared Interests

They both are very cheerful most of the time.

Shared Secrets

They both exchanged a blood pact.

Shared Acquaintances

They share the same basic friend groups.

Legal Status

No special legal status


Friend (Trivial)

Towards Tantemtalem




Friend (Important)

Towards Ulitakanara




"Tantemtalem? She's a friend of mine, yes. Perhaps not the most talented fighter, but her powers are beyond what I've ever seen and her courage is admirable, to say the least." -Ulitakanara
Ulita is perhaps the scariest person I know. But in a cool way." -Tantemtalem

Nicknames & Petnames

Ulitakanara is not one for nicknames, though she did eventually adopt Meeiuwaan's pet name for Tantemtalem, Cat, later on. Tantemtalem has no nicknames for Ulita.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

They're both dedicated to sword-fighting and are constantly honing their talents. They rarely train together, but when they do, Ulita always wins in ten seconds or less. Tantemtalem once tried to learn whittling, but Ulita wasn't very good at teaching it, so she gave up.

Shared Secrets

Tantemtalem, knowing that Ulita could keep a secret, told her about the mysterious dreams she'd been having before anyone else.

Shared Acquaintances

They share the same basic friend group.

Legal Status

No special legal status


Friend (Important)

Towards Tantemtalem




Friend (Important)

Towards Xeni




"After being in the same cavern together for several years, Xeni and I have gotten to be quite close. He's saved my hide more than once, after all." -Tantemtalem
"Tantemtalem was (and still is) like a sister to me. Even before we started training together at the Citadel, we were good friends." -Xeni

Nicknames & Petnames

Tantemtalem used to know Xeni under the name Po. She sometimes calls him "Golden Boy" teasingly.

Shared Acquaintances

They share the same basic friend group.

Legal Status

No special legal status

Wealth & Financial state

She is fairly poor and relies on her "student income" to support herself, as well as treasure she finds along the way during her journey.
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She later finds out that her family used to be barons of a large plot of land before the Attack.
Tantemtalem's Music- (credit to rollforfantasy.com) -
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Prophecized One
Year of Birth
260 13 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Prophesied birth
Current Residence
The Citadel
Bright cerulean, almond-shaped, shiny
Sleek, short, black hair in bushy spikes
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light, golden brown color with some tanning at the neck
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
She speaks both New English and Nᴂnet fluently, though she was unaware of her fluency in Nᴂnet until her arrival at the Citadel.
Ruled Locations

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Character Portrait image: by Tantemtalem


Author's Notes

Modeled after myself

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May 28, 2019 17:43

Hey (I know you!!! :P ) Nice job!!! I really like her... and I didn't know Tantemtalem/Cat/Catshock was based after you! That's cool...I really like all the history that has gone into her here.

May 29, 2019 19:27 by Naomi E

Thank you!