Solarian Empire Organization in Asteron | World Anvil
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Solarian Empire

(Basically they're the good guys.)
The Solarian Empire is a politacal entity that spans across nearly half of the Asteron Galaxy. The Empire has access to some of the most advanced technologies known to Man.   From his throne on the Capital World of Solus, the Emperor commands the largest military in the history of the universe, sending forth legions of highly trained soldiers, paladins, and battle mages in a vain effort to stem the tides of the ever spiteful Rhinn'Jharii. But despite the ever churning war machine, life within Imperial borders is, for the most part, peaceful.


The Emperor rules directly over the Imperial Core, a collection of roughly 200 star systems, with the vast majority of Imperial colonies ruled independently, but still subject to Imperial laws and taxes. Underneath the Emperor is the Imperial Senate, which is responsible for maintaining stability over the greater Empire as a whole. Ever present throught the Empire is an organization known as the Purple Templars, a fanatical order of paladins dedicated to the creator deity, Elyon. The Templars have significant influence over both the Senate and the free worlds. They owe their loyalty to the Emperor, but are bound by their religion to overthrow him should he overstep the will of Elyon.

Public Agenda

The Solarian Empire is, for the most part, readily accepting of other cultures and ideas, and has many museums dedicated to the sciences of Anthropology and Archeology. They are also well known for their fair treatment of creatures that other Star Nations view as monstrosities, and even have surprisingly favorable relations with the Ilithid Freedhive.   Yet despite their good intentions, the Empire has still managed to run afoul of the Galaxy's other major power, the Rhinn'Jharii Dominion. With most of their resources being consumed by the Thousand Years' War, those citizens living on many of the outer worlds of the Empire have fallen on hard times, and even the city planet Solus itself has seen the rise of numerous slum districs and an increased crime rate.


The pre war Empire was a post scarcity society, with such an eccess of resources, that trade was perfomed with the main goal of emptying the warehouses. But the War has consumed much of what the Empire once had, and with it, much of its former glory. Despite what Imperial propaganda might lead one to believe, the Empire is barely able to keep its own economy afloat, and has begun to search desperately for alternatives, stooping so low as to hire freebooters and privateers to steal resources from the Empire's enemies in exchange for free range of Imperial space.   Although the Solarian monetary system is crumbling, the Empire still sports the largest and most technologically advanced military in the Galaxy, with tens of thousands of ships and a standing army that easily numbers in the tens of trillions.


In the year 0 C.V.Y., the Carolean Empire, under the rule of Emperor Carolineus VII, successfully conquered the whole of the planet Solus, supplanting the former nation of Elves that had tried to put an end to the Industrial Revolution of Men and Dwarves. Since that year, the Caroleans rebranded themselves as Solarians, taking the name of their newly liberated home planet as their own.

Mythology & Lore

In the beginning, there was nothing. And from nothing came a song, sung by three unified voices. The Architect, The Sovreign, The Prophet. Each Distinct. All One.   And through the Song, the angels and gods were born. The Universe erupted into a chorus of light.   But the light was formless.   And Elyon said: "LET LIGHT BE GIVEN FORM".   And the Stars were born. From the Stars, their Planets. But the worlds were barren and lifeless.   And the gods said: "It is not right that these worlds remain so. Let us mold them as we see fit, giving you glory through our work".   To the gods, Elyon replied. "TO YOU WE GIVE THESE WORLDS. MOLD THEM AS YOU DESIRE. BUT TO OURSEVES WE RESERVE SOLUS."   Thus did the gods create their worlds. Corellan gave form to the Elves. Moradin, the Dwarves. Gruumsh, the Orcs. Many others, too were created.   But Elyon created Man. To Man, Elyon gave the highest place, and when Men died, their souls were to reside with Elyon.   And the Traitor was displeased.   why, it thought, would such creatures be elevated above me, an angel of great renown?   From darkness, it took new form, and with terrible purpose, it stalked the world of Men, tempting them into sin.   When Elyon saw what the Traitor had done, for Elyon sees all, the Traitor was stripped of his name and birthright, cast from Celestia into the Nine Hells.   And the Traitor took a new name, declaring itself the Scarlet King, in mockery of the Sovreign. It corrupted all mortal beings, drawing them into sin and wickedness.   And the gods were angered. "Why," they demanded, "would you allow such evil to overtake out children?"   And Elyon send Their angels into the Nine, with Rael leading the charge.   The Scarlet King was forever bound to a throne of red hot iron, forged aroud him.   The gods, however, were not fully appeased. The War in Heaven raged on, those loyal to Elyon driving the others out of Celestia.   "We are not worthy", they claimed, "to remain in your presence, for we have been tainted by jealousy aand hate."   So Elyon gave to each of the gods their own Plane in which to reside.   And the children of the gods were brought to Solus, to begin a path of redemption.

Tenets of Faith

The Church of Elyon is a monotheistic religion, worship o other gods is expressly forbidden. However, many of the loyalist gods may be venerated as part of the Pantheon of Saints.

"For God first, Emperor second, and Self last"

Founding Date
0 C.V.Y.
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Carolean Empire
Solarian, Imperial, Carolean


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