Deep Smelling Club Thumper Species in Aserere | World Anvil

Deep Smelling Club Thumper

They are good for riding, they are good for pulling, they are good for eating. And backed into a corner, they are good for fighting. Unfortunately, they have a mind of their own, so they are not good at listening. -Loremaster Kibet  

Beast Stats

Age Stage Size Attributes Health Attacks Defense RP Award
Baby Small Strength 1
Constitution 3
Dexterity 10
Resolve 2
Composure 2
10+1d4 Bite 1d4+1 Dodge Bonus 10
Defense Score 3
Adult Female Large Strength 6
Constitution 7
Dexterity 3
Resolve 2
Composure 2
75+1d8 Bite 1d6+6
Gore 1d6+6
Claws x2 1d4+6
Tail Club 1d8+6
Dodge Bonus 3
Defense Score 3
Armored Torso, Tail 14
Adult Male Large Strength 8
Constitution 7
Dexterity 1
Resolve 2
Composure 2
200+1d10 Bite 1d6+8
Gore 1d6+8
Claws x2 1d4+8
Tail Club 1d8+8
Dodge Bonus 1
Defense Score 3
Armored Torso Tail 14

Special Abilities

Deep Smelling

This beast can smell food through up to a foot of solid stone.

Basic Information


This beast is a squat mammalian quadruped with an armored back, plated in thick hide and bone, four tusks, and powerful tail that ends in a club. Its forelimbs end in 4 fierce claws that is uses from digging and defense and its hindlimbs are heavily muscles to help it with it's tail attacks.   The nose of this beast is fleshy and moist and allows it to smell for delicious subterranean morsels. Its small points ears can swivel 180 degrees to allow it to hear for surrounding predators.

Biological Traits

Element Location Rarity Harvest Variations
(Aligned to Zinza Magic)
Forests and plains Common Materials have a 100% chance of being Zinza MagicAligned
(Aligned to Zinza Energy channelling Guema Energy 
Tundra Rare Materials have a 13% chance of being Guema MagicAligned

Genetics and Reproduction

The beast can breed up to twice per year. Their gestation period is only 120 days and the young are sexually mature within 7-9 months. Their litter size is on average be 4-8 babies.

Ecology and Habitats

These beasts are versatile and can survive in most forests and plains. They prefer forests due to the abundance of plant, fungus, and insect matter that can be found there.

Dietary Needs and Habits

These creatures are omnivorous but prefer a vegetarian diet though they are very fond of the large grubs they can dig up at the roots of trees and bushes.

Biological Cycle

This beast does not fair well in the cold and will dig burrows or nest in caves with with their herd upon the onset of winter, hibernating until spring. There are some artic varieties capable of bearing chill winds without succumbing to the cold and survive on tree bark, roots, and will also scavenge the kills of larger predators.

Additional Information

Social Structure

In the wild, this beast lives in packs of up to 60 individuals, mostly female, with a dominant male and a handful of his sons.


Tame DC 21

This intelligent beast can be domesticated by a talented hand.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Material Size Harvest DC
Thick Hide Varies by age Baby - 2, Juvenile - 8, Adult - 21
Tusks Large 8
Meat (Fatty, white meat with a subtle sweetness) Varies by size TBD

Primal Abilities

Ability Description Absorb DC
Thick Skin +3 Bonus to Torso Armor 13
Deep Smelling Sensitivity to scents, even through solid objects 21

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The eyes of the beast aren't not particularly strong. They can seen general color and outlines but their vision isn't very sharp. They are generally nearsighted. Their sense of smell, however, is quite acute, allowing them to find food deep beneath soil and even rock.
Sensory Type Bonus
General +0
Sight -1
Hearing +0
Smell +3
Touch +0
14-20 years
Conservation Status
Average Height
5 to 5.5 ft at the apex of their spine
Average Weight
1,000 lbs
Average Length
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Predominantly brown, northern varieties will turn white or grey in the winter.