Werewolf Condition in Arylon | World Anvil


The condition of lycanthropy is a magical disease that can be transferred through a bite and the mixing of blood. Unless born into it. those born into called true bloods.      

Disease stages

The bite or mix of blood will affect the mortal with in the first night after being bit. Werewolves in Arylon do not need to wait till the full moon to change. Though the full moon does cause werewolf frenzy. Which causes the werewolf to feed on ANYONE! even their own friends. The Pack werewolves who have mastered the beast within can control their werewolf tendencies, which prevent them getting full moon frenzy.
  • Stage 1: being bit, the blood is pumping higher than normal. and the wound cannot be healed by any normal means. (Test 3d6)
  • Stage 2: Sounds are louder like having a Migraine headache next to a loud music band playing next to your head. (Test 3d8)
  • Stage 3: The bite mark is a fully healed but the scar remains, the strength and agility is two die steps higher. (Test 3d10)
  • Stage 4: the Change once changed there is NO going back. (N/A)

Curing the Disease

Finding the someone with the disease can be cure through ritual magic or a power Priest. As long as the cure them before stage 4. The test above is the difficulty of the curing of that stage.  

Common Werewolves: Red claws

These came into being by a healer who was trying to cure the spread. In the same process took the blood from Guardian werewolf, took it to his Labatory, only then as he took a bit from both, he began to mix the blood. Some crazy accident happens causing him to inject the mixture into himself. Now he has kind of developed his own pack. At first, he hated himself, but he has turned what he first thought was a death sentence into a blessing. Red Claws are truly strong, and they can regenerate faster than any magical creature. Silver is still a weakens, but all they have to do is feed to heal the wound. Magic spells like lightning bolt does more damage than a fireball spell. Normal made weapons have zero effect and critical strikes do nothing unless the weapon is silver or the spell has lightning effect.  

Ferrals, cursed ones: 

These poor humans, elves or whatever have been cursed by the Ferral types. The first sighting was during the war of Inserection. A blight was spreading and infected a small group of the Red Claws. The ones infected went mad! Eating and killing everything in their path. They could not tell friend from foe. to make matters worse after the war this breed of Werewolves spread out through many countries. Completely covering the continent with this disease. Some swear that the Ferrals change when the Claudina moon is full. Others say they only become more aggressive, and the change cannot be helped when the Claudina moon is full. What they find out in the later years is they are very weak to silver weapons and wolves' bane will make anyone who is a Ferral change even in the middle of the day. If a human or elf knows that they are one of these abominations many will exile themselves to the wilderness, where they will face their fate where none of their loved ones will be hurt. Some will have slayers or clerics have pity on them and put them out of the horrible existence.


The pale werewolf, they are Valheen's Hounds. The devourer of Underworld beings and the Black spiral werewolves. They are massive in size and can transform in Dire white wolves, they move in and out of mist or fog like a dolphin swimming in out of water.
  • Swallow demon - when they grapple an underworld being of smaller size them, they can swallow the fiend in a moment.
  • Blessing Claws- their claws are treated a magical weapon and do slashing damage

Black Manes

The vilest werewolves in the world. Half fiend blood and werewolf, they feed and feed. they have no known master. they do not listen to anything or cannot be reason with. If one somehow survives the attack, one will be turned by the next night. once one feed there is no cure but death. Black-mane Wewers hate holy items and Kabal spells. Silver cuts their flesh, but the only makes them angrier. Only Holy weapons truly do any damage to them, nothing else will. There Natural enemy is the Guardians werewolves. Black manes have swallow whole, diseased claw strike.