Northern Frost Back Species in Arylon | World Anvil

Northern Frost Back

The blueish lines on this specimen's body are not frost, but I believe it pure magi energy coming from the North pole. Like leyline somehow affecting its biological makeup. -Tumble Wheelhouse
    Norhtern Frost-back A colossal bear that dwells in the deep frosty lands near the dragon's teeth coastline in Armsagon. This beast, according to Mrs. Tumble Wheelhouse research claims its large size is caused by the wild magic forces that may or may not emanate from the north pole of Arylon. The poles have deep properties that tend to affect the Fauna and Flora. There has only been one real study on these creatures. No other studies have challenged or verify her claims.    

Its Habitat

is in the furthers north point of the world up through the Dragon ghost sea. On the frozen island of Tara. it tends to eat a lot of Wul-ruts, fish and anything it feels it wants to eat.
The Frozen Shore by Fantasy Flight Games

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

The mate twice a year. Females seek big horned males and that can roar loudest. Once they find a mate the stay with that mate up to four years. Especially if cubs come from that union. Females have been seen traveling with little cubs into toe for miles before the females shows the cubs to swim and eat local animals. It is also known that the males will travel with the cubs once they are heavier and can swim on their own. The horns on the back will be about 1/2 foot in length on the cubs by this point. The males teach them to hunt bigger creatures on land or trick some of the sea creatures that it is drowning and cannot get onto the ice. Only for those sea creatures to get skewered by the now slightly retractable bones on it back. By the time they're full grown the bigger bones can simply lay down on it back and stand out when angered. They are Easly angered.

Ecology and Habitats

Other larger and dangerous magical beast that are S class dangerous. Not to be approached by anyone. It east first and snuggles later. The bones on its back it not for decoration, they are used to keep flying ice dragons from snatching it like a fish. It seems that the bones regulate the body.
Tumble Wheelhouse: Azurian explore and Biologist.

Stats Northern Frost Back

  • Strength D12+D6
  • Agility D8
  • Itelligence D4
  • Wits D8
  • Charisma D2
  • Manipulate D2
  • Psyche D10
  • Presence D10
Scientific Name
Undine maritimus
Frost Draken during the mythic age
Conservation Status
Do NOT approach! If it thinks you are a threat to its young. it will no matter if you drop a lot of fresh cut meats before it will hunt you down and eat you. It a S class predator. same class as a full- grown Dragon. (D12 Beast Encounter)
Discovered by

Resistances & Talents

  • 100% resistance to cold and ice spells
  • Wild Essence-D8 Resistance to most magic spells.
  • Deep Roar- D10 - the roar is a 2-increment area of effect. (Presence + strength threshold) if fail the roar will cause fear and chilled to the bone.
  • Claw swipe D12 fight plus its strength plus d12 beast class difficulty.

Cover image: Ice Bear Beast by Punkults