Siefish Species in Aruna | World Anvil
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Siefish (Zee-fish)


Siefish are eel-like quadrupeds with prehensile tails and small lungs. Siefish are thirty-six inches long and six inches tall. Siefish are able to be out of water for about three hours. Their legs end in webbed feet that have curved claws. These claws are used to dig holes in sand to hide in. Siefish have four variations, each with slight differences.
  • Golden Siefish - The scales of Golden Siefish are yellow and glossy. These are the second most common Siefish. Golden Siefish are the most aggressive, and have been known to be carnivores instead of omnivores by choice.
  • Black Siefish - The scales of Black Siefish are black and glossy. These are the most common Siefish. Black Siefish are more social and hunt in packs of 5-8 individuals.
  • Patterned Siefish - The scales of Patterned Siefish are a seemingly random mix of the other colors, but always matte. These are the rarest Siefish. Patterned Siefish are almost as aggressive as Black Siefish, but rarely eat meat.
  • White Siefish - The scales of White Siefish are matte white. These are the second rarest Siefish. White Siefish are lone hunters, or hunt with a partner. White Siefish also have one mate for life, even if it dies.


Siefish mate similarly to eels and lay eggs in the water. Usually fifty eggs are layed at a time. The eggs are placed into a nest created by the male. For the first month, Siefish young are kept in the nest. The female protects the nest, while the male hunts and forages. After that time, Siefish young have fully matured into their 36 inch length. The average lifespan of a Siefish is two years.


Siefish are omnivorous. The adults are scavengers, but they will hunt when feeding young. Any edible material is not safe around Siefish.

Social Habits

Siefish are social and hunt in packs. The average pack is 3-6 individuals, but this changes between type. Only the White Siefish mates for life, but the others mate whenever possible. Siefish make hierarchies based on which Siefish can stay on land the longest. The types of Siefish do not mingle, except the Patterned Siefish


Siefish are gathered by Green's Disciples to sell to travelers. The bones of Siefish make effective arrowheads, throwing knives, and darts. The skin of Siefish can be put on shields for designs and can make leather armor. Siefish are also a delicacy in Corrinth, because of their spicy meat. Black Siefish make great pets, and certain Patterned Siefish fetch high prices from nobles who want to impress guests.
Geographic Distribution
Bright Valley


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