Skinwalker Species in Artterra | World Anvil
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Created by Randolph Albello Skinwalkers - in the world of Terra - are animals forced into intelligent tracking, luring and often - scaring and tormenting - young children, hikers trying to be too brave and anyone else who crosses their path and attempts to engage them somehow - even if that somehow is by unknowingly giving a helpful hint confusing them for their friends. 

There are two reactions that divide peoples all over Terra when regarding the skinwalkers: one sees them as unfortunate beings who need to be helped - studied perhaps and reverted to their original wild state; the other gives them no chance and sees them like the monsters they have been made to be and aims to destroy them

Basic Information


The Skinwalkers created by Randolph have various anatomy and morphology however the most common type he used were coyotes, deer and wolves. He needed something with a stable 4-legged structure that he can modify the DNA of with miscellaneous injections of known and unknown medical and experimental magical fusions. Slowly he managed to create four-legged creatures who could stand up very straight on two legs, shift their forms into other beings (more or less successfully) and copy and reproduce scanned and received vocals. Mechanical enhancement gave the vocal chords a weird warble but still - the repeating of phrases and words would be loud and audible for the target.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

The created "Skinwalker" would still have the base intelligence of the animal it starts as. On top of that - with the mechanical enhancements  and multitude of chemicals injected in them to change them - they have become quite able to recognize a human from distance, target and follow someone specific sometimes for months as well as expand their understanding and abilities enough to the extend of understanding speech and being able to get past the repetition stage and react with their honest emotion: laugh at the target, threaten it, reply to a question asked, etc. 
After the arrest of Randolph the remaining skinwalkers have created their own way to communicate among each other - vocally - and stay in touch while hiding in order to not get caught.
More to be edited in/added at a later date
until attacked by another creature/decommissioned
Average Height
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